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Everything posted by Loiswt

  1. Should we change the name of this thread to "memories down broadway"???
  2. Can't wait to get the season started!!!!!!!! 44 days to go!!!!!! This is one of my favorite shows. I hope it's nice weather 'cause we always have Sunday as a free day, and I love the BEACH!!!!
  3. Can't wait 'til Saturday! THREE DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!
  4. How many days 'til May 9th and the 5th annual Spring Preview?
  5. Can't wait for Spring Preview. Have good weekend everyone!
  6. Can't wait for the Spring Preview on May 9 and the first unveiling of the 2009 Buccaneers!
  7. I just had to add my Thanks and gratitude to everyone who continually has a part in the presentation and marketing of the Buccaneers. Matt Urqhart, your talent for video production is amazing. Chris Feist, where would we be without your direction. Jeff Zehner, this year's poster is the best so far. Tom Moore, your eloquent style of writing and speaking continually represents the Bucs as a class act. Gentlemen, I am in awe of you talents. Thank you!!!!!
  8. Thanks for the update Tom, I too was unable to get to Sunday's rehearsal but I heard things went well. Can't wait to see the first few pages of drill and hear the music played with the drill. I am eagerly anticipating the video which should be out very soon.......
  9. Where did this come from? Before any rumors get started the answer is "NO."
  10. Still looking for a few more dedicated members. If you're interested come check it out this weekend. I can promise you'll have a great time!
  11. Sean, I absolutely agree with you, every member of the corps is an ambassador, regardless of their position or role within the corps. Regardless of how big or small the corps is, it all begins with members. Give the members a good experience and you'll be successful. Lois
  12. Yeah Percussion!!!!!! Always a hard working group. Mini Camp for Bucs percussion Sunday Jan. 25. Should be a rockin' good time. See the website for more details. www.readingbuccaneers.org
  13. Wow!!!! This type of growth is great for the all age corps activity. Thanks to all of the East, Central and West corps for their hard work and determination. I remember how hard it is to get a corps up and running. Good Luck in 2009!
  14. Can't wait for the coming weekend. All sections are in including the guard(on Sunday), this should be a great weekend!!!!!! Go bucs!
  15. There were allot of people that thought I was kidding....but it's true I did break both of my wrists at the Buccaneer Banquet over the Thanksgiving weekend and I have the 5 inch scar on my left arm and a plate and several screws inside to prove it. I hear it will be lots of fun going thru airports from now on. Lois
  16. OMG I can't believe how much fun it was watching and listening to 2009 Buccaneers. You have got to see this!!!!!! If you are on the fence and wondering if this is the year to be a Buccaneer, my answer would be yes!!!!! Come out to the next camp, check it out, play in the line and enjoy the music, comraderie and sheer power of this program. The opener is AWESOME!!!!!! Lois
  17. Wow!!! It's almost here I can't wait 'til Sunday!
  18. I'm going thru drum corps withdrawal I can't wait for Sunday!!!
  19. I can't wait to hear the corps play anything... !?$&! Broken wrists!!!!!
  20. it's a temporary condition, i hope to start pt in a week or so.
  21. leslie, congratulations on your new position i know you'll do a great job!
  22. so.... i know no one is going to believe this but i haven't even heard the corps play any of the music, 'cause i missed part of membership day and all of the first camp due to an injury sustained at the bucs banquet. i was 'break" dancing and broke both of my wrists...yes, hilarious laughter now ensues!!!!!!! i've got my right wrist in a hard cast and my left was operated on last friday, and wow is it hard to type!!!!! as you can see capitalization is not an option. even after all of this i won't be missing the next rehearsal, i can't believe i did this!!!!!
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