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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Phantom Regiment Member 1995, 1997 Staff, 2002 Frontier Founding Member, Visual Caption Head, 2006
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    1989 Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season

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  1. If the visual-centered people can say that Blue Devils and Cavaliers are better than Phantom Regiment, why can't the music-centered people say they believe Phantom Regiment to be better in brass? I don't care if I lost credibility with anybody. I think Phantom's horns are the best out there...period, and I have seen the top 14 drum corps this season, in person. Now, "head and shoulders" is my opinion, which I am entitled to, and last night, the judges agreed. I think it is difficult to be placed 1st by ALL FIVE music judges if you are not clearly setting yourself apart.
  2. The only 2 scores that count 100% are GE Music and GE Visual. Colorguard counts as much as brass, percussion, and the ensemble captions. Putting your horn down and sprinting across the field out of time is the future of the activity? I do not see how this is innovation. My high school students do this everytime I say, "take it back to set 1" and I have never thought, "wow, that is so innovative!" Also, if everyone wants to hear music that is recognizable, then why are these "visual" corps playing the most unfamiliar music? I love the Cavaliers drill, every year. I think the Cavaliers and Blue Devils march very well and have outstanding colorguards, year in and year out. I think that Phantom Regiment's brass and percussion are head and shoulders above both of these corps. Their visual design might not be as cutting edge, but I think the visual judges' spreads do too much damage. For example, I do not think that Phantom's visual performance (5th place) should have been half a point below Cadets (4th place). I am not arguing placements in visual, but the spreads are too wide between some of the placements in my opinion.
  3. It seems that the visual judges are more willing to put larger spreads between corps. Until the music judges put more than .1 and .2 between corps or the visual judges put less than .3 to .7 between corps, the visual judges will always decide the outcome of a show!
  4. I think BD's show is more than a couple of notches behind Phantom's musically. Why should visual count more than music? Aren't there just as many points in music as there are in visual. I am tired of hearing how a corps should not win because they do not have the best visual program. It is time that a corps with the best music had a chance at the title!
  5. To my knowledge, the uniforms are usually on the equipment truck, not the bus. By the way, how tall are you to see a girl with no pants through the window of a tour bus?
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