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Everything posted by jwier

  1. Phantom <-> Cavaliers ... I would guess it's not such a competitive rivalry. I mean, since 1999, Phantom has beaten the Cavaliers at only, like, two shows. That's it, right? Granted, one could argue that they are the 2 most important shows of the season and the 2 most recent shows of the most recent season. However, I get the vibe that it's more of a philosophical rivalry. "Loud and emotional" (?) vs. "controlled and ... not-emotional" (?)
  2. Well, if you are in fact a 2008 Blue Devil, you must remember the extremely classy Cavaliers applaud you as you left the field semifinals night. I seem to remember the Cavaliers age-outs (waiting for the age-out ceremony) standing at the gate applauding the entire Blue Devils organization as they exited the field. Actually, I watched it happen. As everyone else has already mentioned, your post is the epitome of my preconceived notions of the Blue Devils organization, thanks for confirming my suspicions! Glad you enjoyed your summer; I did too! Sincerely, A Proud Youngie that marches 120 bpm at an 8 to 5 (because we all know that the 2008 Blue Devils show was actually difficult...)
  3. i'm disappointed that people nowadays think that we need to baby our children into thinking that everything is going to be safe and happy and any problems can be solved by prosecuting anyone who looks at you funny. maybe i should prosecute half of you for offending me (and by 'offending me' i mean that you have disagreed with my beliefs and that has caused me emotional distress.. and oh, woe is me! woe is me!) when i was a child, other people (non-parent people) punished me for misbehaving from time to time. i learned my lessons and knew better the next time around. i never suffered any serious injuries. i've also never heard of any life-threatening damage come about from falling a foot and a half to the ground (if you have examples, let me know!). i've always heard that life is tough and you have to learn to deal with it. but maybe times are changing... maybe nowadays the people who are going to be successful in life are those who are most creative at finding ways to blame everyone else for any of the most minute things that might happen to go wrong in their perfect little lives...
  4. In 2005 I got cut from my "dream corps" and marched with my "second choice corps", hoping to gain experience. In 2006 I got cut from my "dream corps" and decided that marching anywhere else would not help me get into my "dream corps". I stayed home and practiced concert horn all summer instead. In 2007 I made it into my "dream corps". If I had it to do all over again, knowing what I know now, I would have taken 2005 off and practiced at home the whole summer. I don't regret marching in 2005, but I don't feel that it was a worthwhile step towards getting into my "dream corps". It was fun for what it was, but I got more out of my concert horn in preparation for my "dream corps" than I got out of marching a summer with another corps in preparation for my "dream corps." I think that if someone wants to march drum corps and happens to have a favorite corps, then they should march where ever they can. However, if someone wants to march in corps "X", they should go for it and if they get cut then evaluate for themselves "is drum corps what I want, or do I just want corps X?"
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