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Everything posted by Mad75

  1. Mellofan, I and 127 of my Bro's really enjoyed performing for you and everyone else in Marion at the US Open in '75. I really miss that show and so many of the other classics like Butler and CYO. In '75 I was a young 15 year old rookie with the Scouts that had just moved up from marching with the Junior Scouts for 3 years. To this day it's very interesting when some of us get together to reminisce. The whole '75 experience almost doesn't seem real. I aged out in '81 and experienced some very memorable years and crowds but for me, I never again experienced the type of raw emotion from the fans as we did in '75. So here's to memories and a tip of the hat to you! Sincerely, Jerry Hundt
  2. Jim, I am most assuredly with Vince on this. I respect the fact that you may be "on the ground" but that's not reality or attainable for most alums. I too have put in my time with the Scouts, most recently on the BOD and bar none the biggest complaint I regularly received was the perception of "information blackout". As with all dissemination of information, it's incumbent upon the individual to dig for the truth. Too often today, we want to rely on rumor and innuendo, or, "this is my opinion", or, "this is how I feel" ie, the danger of pure emotion in place of FACTS, thus the break down! With todays technology, this should be the exception rather then the rule. We seem to have lost the fine arts of logic and critical thought. That said, as a whole, the very recent past has not been an enviable model when it comes to the "two way street of communication" within the Scouts organization. Admittedly, this has had lasting effects. So much so that the new ED, Jeff Spanos agrees and I believe is working very hard to turn this around as are many on the new BOD. I truly believe in many regards we have turned the corner and are riding our self's of old skeletons. But it's going to be up to all of us though to keep this train on the tracks! Sincerely, Jerry H.
  3. GGarrett, You don't have to be concerned with my views of open discussion and the blessings that come with it. To the contrary, it’s the dysfunction of my Scout family that I'm most concerned with! (I thought that would have been quite evident) You know, the whole "united we stand, divided we fall" thing?......That's all. Thanks for your concern though! Sincerely, Bobbing Temples aka, The Jester (MSARP)
  4. <edited to remove quoted text> MS Hey, RF, it's Bobbing Temples! I'm with you Bro! What's with these nameless, faceless alum's? I tire of these so called expert fly-on-the-wall types! If they TRULY new even half of the truth about the issues surrounding Sal and the almighty, god like, Marty Redman there'd be enough CROW EAT'N to last a life time!! But no, just keep hurling all the unfounded BULL regarding the BOD and aforementioned individuals for all the world to read as fact. C'mon, I'd kind of expect this kind of thing from an ignorant fool, but an alum?? What's with all the venom and hate? What happened to all the positive life credos we learned as Scouts? Where's the positive vibes towards the current Organization and Scouts? I'm out! Bobbing Temples Scouts 75-81 MSARP 06
  5. First off, as Mr. Pearson has already pointed out, let's get your facts straight (unless that's not of any concern!) We never canceled, as you put it, "2 weeks" of our tour. Back in the day, there was a 1st season and 2nd season, or 1st and 2nd tour. You did your tweaks, etc. during what amounted to a camp between the 2 tours and this is where we re-learned the show from 1975 with the edition of "Stars and Stripes Forever" off the line along with a new drum solo. Most of us were veterans from the year before (75 was my rookie year) which really helped to accelerate our learning curve. Today this is a completely different era in many regards, especially in length of season and difficulty of show. Now days the season is about 3 weeks shorter. Besides your facts being wrong, I don't buy your premise. There's no cutting bait and running back home! Heck, tour starts the first show and doesn't end until Finals, thus there really is no home! The road is their home and life as they know it is all about adapting daily to their new surroundings, working their tails off, trusting their leadership, growing as Scouts and having the time of their lives! Furthermore, some of you need to climb back down off of the ledge, take a deep breath and give these men a chance! From what I've seen and heard (including directly from Mr. Jeff Spanos) that the Scouts are on the right track and I believe you will begin to see dividends in the changes they've incorporated very soon! May I suggest, that what these men need is well wishing and positive vibes. If you hadn't noticed, their show is very exposed and the difficulty level is very high. They certainly didn't hold back the rains with this being such a young bunch (I think average age is 17). Sincerely, Jerry H. and may you truly Never Walk Alone!
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