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Everything posted by Beckham

  1. Besides a certain provocateur being gone, this is why we will never had woodwinds in DCI. Being out in the heavy rain like this would ruin the instruments. Brass? No problem!
  2. Wonder where they got their "rankings"? Because the college bands that the general public thinks are the best, are not the best.
  3. Checking instagram to see what some F list "celebrity" had for dinner is always more important.
  4. Install uBlock Origin in your browser and that won't happen.
  5. What were those directors thinking legalizing lightning in the area of a show site?
  6. Sound seems to be a lot better now. Still some popping and cracking but the clarity is way better.
  7. Here in the Charlotte area I've heard some people refer to them as Carolina Clown or Cackalacky Clown.
  8. I wonder if Flo has a high turnover rate for their production teams. With this being their second DCI season as well as a couple BOA and WGI season under their belt, you would think they would be better at doing this by now.
  9. My sound has gotten better the last couple minutes. Still a little muffled but better than it was.
  10. Those pops were keeping a pretty steady tempo at about 148 bpm then.
  11. Somebody's guard is warming up super close to the stadium. Can hear a gock coming through the stream.
  12. I don't know much about sound engineering, but maybe they have the treble turned way down?
  13. Annunciation is good, but can someone run his voice through a synth and drop it an octave?
  14. Ok I thought it was weird too since I hadn't had that problem before and my friend's internet is generally around 100 mb/s download.
  15. Question for those who watched online tonight. Did any of you experience really bad frame rate issues all evening? Where it would stay in 720p but be really jumpy and look like it was running at about 15fps. I went over to a friends house to watch tonight, and thus wasn't on the thread, and we had this issue all night.
  16. To be fair, it's possible that Daniel hadn't seen it much, if at all before tonight. He is the arranger/program coordinator/assistant director for Guardians. So he's been busy with them.
  17. I actually feel bad for Bloo having to go on after that auditory sucker punch of amazing that is SCV.
  18. Now that I think about it, he was 16 in 2014 when CBS did the news piece on him. So I guess next year or the year after depending on when his birthday is.
  19. Feels like Cavs still have more to add to the end. Feels abrupt.
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