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Everything posted by malletrockr12

  1. I'm not saying Open Class is worse than World. I prefer Open Class honestly. There is more quality and progress over the summer months in my opinion. But I think auditioning for drum corps seems like choosing a college. You pick a reach corps, a guaranteed corps, and a back up corps. Depending on how it works out, you decide from there. Obviously any corps experience would help if the staff of a corps is being "biased" and picking people who have experience...
  2. I don't see why you wouldn't go march Open Class if you were denied World Class and really wanted to march... It's better than nothing right?
  3. They do tell you. Up to 150 spots. What's the point in audition camps if you already have your line set? If you told people there was only 1 horn spot left, how is that going to affect the camp turn out? The staff definitely looks at everyone they are given, especially if the staff is new and then they pick from that pool.
  4. Maybe you just weren't what Bluecoats are looking for. I know someone who got cut after the first camp from BK and then made Cadets the next month. It's all a matter of where you are as well as your abilities and attitude. Some corps want mediocre players who will listen and learn and some want amazing players that just shut up and do it.
  5. With vets, the staff knows for sure that they are capable of making it through the season and not quitting in May or feeling miserable on tour. Also, I'm pretty sure they judge those auditioning on readiness for tour and stuff too, not just ability.
  6. Do you think the more full corps (Spartans, Teal, Memphis, etc) will be scored higher than the smaller Open Class corps (Dutch Boy, VK, etc)? I'm just wondering if the size of the corps will have any influence on placement
  7. This has absolutely nothing to do with Teal Sound's progress this year... And the caption heads aren't there to be nice, they're there to make sure everyone is doing their job and getting things done. Not every caption head sleeps in, not every caption heads screams all the time, and they aren't there to be nice to the kids and bond with them. The reason they are caption head is because they get s**t done and know how to do it right. There is only a certain point to where you can be nice on tour.
  8. You are absolutely right but some could argue that the Spartans had points that were absolutely boring. A pit isn't just about clean notes, it's also about how you perform your show and Spartans, in my opinion, did not even try to do so. It's ok though, the season over and it's time for a new one. I see your point though and I agree to a point
  9. They made the best of the music they had though, and they sure beat Spartans from a performance standpoint...
  10. No but I've seen Teal Sound and Raiders in action and videos of other lines throughout the circuit. I'm not saying I've seen every single one, but I have seen several.
  11. I saw Surf at the Show and Tell on Sunday. I can't say much about the horns 'cause I don't know anything about them but WOW! Their pit and drumline is SMOKIN' even as rough as their runthroughs were, they were awesome. Look out Open Class, Surf's gonna dominate this year compared to what I've seen from other lines so far this year.
  12. That's fine but last year's placement is totally irrelevant
  13. What does last year's standing have to do with anything? There are too many factors involved that have nothing to do with last year's scores. They could completely fall apart this year at finals and have a bad show and with more corps in one class last year basically means nothing at this point
  14. Awesome! I didn't even know they were doing that! I saw them on Sunday at their show and tell and they are SMOKIN' this year. It's going to be a great year for them
  15. Amplifying the pit isn't all that bad. No matter how hard the mallet is and how many people you have playing the same part, a hornline playing at FFF and a drumline on top of it, the pit will be drowned out. The Cadets being as loud as they were for the 07 season would have drowned out the pit almost entirely if they weren't amplified. The speakers and mics are just a way to give the pit kids credit for working their butts off all summer and not getting as much credit within the corps itself. I'm guessing that it will only be a few corps at first and then more and more will follow as they become more financially stable.
  16. "Corps who will probably be duking it out to try to squeeze into Finals (Spots 13-17 No Order): Dutch Boy, Spartans, Impulse, Cap Sound, Spokane Thunder" ...? Yes he did
  17. I'm not saying that Teal won't have a good season, I just wanted to compare last year's top 2 since it was a close battle all season, that's all. I'm not hating on them at all, they're one of my favorite corps actually.
  18. Ohhhhhhhhhh I get it now. I feel like a total moron now
  19. I think it would be cool for the Cadets to perform at 1-3 events without the narration sometime in the middle of the season to see how it affects their score and the feedback from the fans. Just to experiment y'know?
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