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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Conquistadors 1977, 1978, 1979
  • Your Favorite Corps
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
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  • Location
    Ceres, CA

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  1. There is a thread on trumpetmaster.com about this and some people recommend using alcohol instead of valve oil in the cold weather. Oil becomes more viscous in lower temps. I have no personal experience, but you might want to hop over there and do a search, see what you find.
  2. Never mind, this is about feeder corps. My comment was out of place - thus deleted.
  3. Some, it had to be carried on and off as I remember, but could then be grounded. I'm pretty sure we had grounded tympani for part of our show in '79.
  4. Then it's what I remembered, I just wasn't sure what exact part of the show. And I loved that show!
  5. Music cues, Oooh, yeah . . . I didn't mean to offend, and I only said dance outfit because for some reason costume did not come into my brain. I like costumes sometimes, but sometimes they don't seem to fit anything other than they are "not uniforms." And, I always like the hard core look of a color guard in uniform. Now, not having seen Troopers for 29 or 30 years, when I saw them last weekend, I will say I prefer the old uniform, but the "Indian" costume worked well. It fit both with the theme of the corps as a whole, and the theme of the show. And if I think back to '77, my first year, Bridgemen's guard costume did not bother me one bit because it fit with the theme. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing, when I think of Santa Clara's guard or Blue Devils, I have an image in my mind from the '70s, and that what my mind says they are "supposed" to look like. Same kind of thing happens with they style of music being played. OK, before I dig myself into a hole I'll shut up.
  6. I always liked it as well, even worked with male members having the regular uniform . . . Really, it doesn't even have to be a feminized version of the same uniform, but I always liked it looking like a "uniform" period. There were plenty of corps even in the '70s that had something different for the guard that were still clearly uniforms, not dance outfits if you will.
  7. Very reminiscent of SCV that I remember from the '70s (not entirely, but enough to make me feel good). After that company front I turned to my daughter and said, "the only thing missing was a bottle dance." She said, "what's that." I'll fix that little knowledge gap pretty soon. I liked their show - a lot - but I too feel it was missing something - could it be drill? I'd have to see the show again - I will, but in 3 weeks, a lot can change in that time.
  8. By the accounts I'm hearing '80 would have been worse! Hard to imagine . . . I didn't march that year, and subsequently joined the Navy. So Birmingham '79 was my last taste of drum corps competition.
  9. Was it class A prelims in Birmingham '79? Hot, humid, and on AstroTurf that wanted to fry your feet? I think that's it, 'cause I remember finals being on grass in another stadium - and in the evening - seems like I'd remember if it were in Denver - from previous years, so must be Birmingham '79.
  10. You are talking "normal" french horn right? I'd doubt that you can pick up a silet brass for that for $50, I paid $99 for a trumpet silent brass (with the amplifier). It might be possible to pick up the mute only, but still that sounds too cheap. I have silent brass, but prefer my best brass practice mute for trumpet. Follow this link, http://www.brassarts.com/horn_mutes.htm which I think will get you to a french horn mute, at least is says it's for horn . . .
  11. Puppet - you never cease to amaze me. You have photos for every occasion, and a knowledge about so many . . . In contrast, I never even thought of having a camera, getting pictures, saving anything. And the few things I did keep (some pins, t shirts and my corps jacket, mysteriously disappeared when I went into the navy. I guess my folks figured I was done with them.
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