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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. I'm rooting for Boston this year. So go Boston!
  2. The storyline(one word) is optional. Not being able to follow it won't hurt your viewing experience, but figuring it out and understanding it will enhance the experience. Think of Phantom last year. At least that's the way it should be.
  3. No real surprises in the scores tonight. That's no fun.
  4. Getting a lower score in finals than a week beforehand does not mean we maxed out the show. As a member at the time, I know for certain what you're saying is not true.
  5. Because corps will do the same thing every year? If you look a little more closely at Glassmen's show last year you would see that we didn't max out early. If you watch the finals performance there are actually a lot of things that could have been executed better. Take a closer look at placement in those final shows before finals. Late in the season is when we finally started beating Boston, Blue Stars, and Blue Knights. Going into quarterfinals we were in eighth or ninth place. Our quarterfinals performance had timing issues and was generally not on par, knocking us back to eleventh. Apparently the judges decided that was a good place to keep us, because we weren't rewarded when we did better in Semis and Finals. August 4 ----88.300----Toledo Our best score. Just thought I'd give an insider's perspective.
  6. Well they may not win the championship this year, but they have a good chance with the Spirit of Disney Award.
  7. Fan Network was great yesterday. I also had no problems, and the audio was fantastic!
  8. God forbid a drum corps show be artistic and well-designed. Is this Drum Corps or College Marching band. I can't tell the difference anymore.
  9. I thought they were kind of off their game to be completely honest, but surprise, 10th place in front of BK. Shows what I know...
  10. Sure. I'll respect that. I'm not saying I completely agree these corps need to be revered as a higher class simply because of the quantity of ribbons they have won, but you have logical reasoning. Good for them.
  11. I'm showing closer to a 91.456, but my trollbaitometer has been reading high lately.
  12. He's just saying Blue Devils are in the same position they were last year at this point. Isn't it reasonable to suggest Blue Devils aren't guaranteed a win this year any more than they were last year?
  13. Out of curiosity, who gave them the title of "elite? "
  14. I would take woodwinds before seeing the Trooper's DM walk quickly to awards.
  15. Coming from someone who is somewhat disappointed in getting 11th to BAC by .075 last year (I marched Glassmen last year), their show is plain brilliant, and I hope they get at least 7th this year.
  16. No kidding? They wouldn't be that low if they were scoring higher? Is that how it works?
  17. I see no correlation between having chairs in your show and not deserving every bit of first place. Am I alone?
  18. I like in your face and FFFFF, but I'm probably the only one.
  19. Blue Devils may not have a tough visual program, but they sound better than anyone else out here. I haven't been watching as much as I have been listening, and Blue Devils have the most entertaining musical program.
  20. In general, Blue Devils sound like gods after Cavaliers.
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