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Everything posted by clevelandsop

  1. Ridley Park Rangers Zorro Raiders Media Fawns Vasella Musketeers Bracken Cavaliers Blue Rock All corps that I was in or competed with Tim
  2. Here is to one of the gentlemen of drum corps! Rest in peace old friend.
  3. A horn player from the Sagannaires sent me a message about a Great Lakes forum. I responded and the site didn't recognize your name, please send me another note that includes your e-mail address. Tim
  4. Hope that you are well Keith. I'm remarried and live in Cleveland. My old corps are finally getting some recognition via DCW historic records. Ridley Park Rangers and Cleveland Cabs. Tim Stohs
  5. I guess many people don't get it. DCI IS dying. The reasons for its demise began before DCI existed. The need to exist as a "full time" corps in order to be competetive began when the western corps traveled east and practiced all the way across the country. The worst part of the process is that DCI failed to recognize or care about what was happening. I watched corps after corps disappear for dozens of "reasons" There was one HUGE reason == they couldn't find enough kids that wanted to or could afford to take the whole summer off to march. Worst yet is that the corps that did remain as weekend warriors both for philosphical and practical reasons were often ridiculed for not being "real", etc, etc, DCA has always been a weekend activity -- that's why the corps still exist and the activity still survives --- NOT thanks to DCI. Tim Corps 1958-1998
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