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Everything posted by BlooGuardMom

  1. I am a native Texan myself and have no problem with it!
  2. Hey David! I know my stadium pic is kinda big and trashy, but I love it! I am sitting so close that I can see the sweatbeads on their brows. Can't wait!
  3. Most amazing pics I have ever seen made of corps on the field. I want to know how to purchase a ticket for your "hot air balloon" that you must have been in to capture these amazing images. Your lens must be ENORMOUS. Thank you for sharing. Please tell me that you are going to be in somewhere in the Midwest or in Bloomington....capturing my daughter and the Bluecoats on film. That would be SUHWEET!
  4. Book a hotel room in every major city within 100 miles of Bloomington, that is what I say! I wouldn't worry too much, at this point. Anything can happen. I have heard two different stories from two different corps' road crew and staff, that rumors are flying regarding Madison and Champaign as being Plan C. If it turns out that a plan C is really necessary, I vote for stadium SEATS for my big keister, please. Bleachers are for the young of a**.
  5. Booing is just plain tacky. It makes others feel badly. Good sportsmanship always, if it kills ya. Congrats to the Bluecoats for a great show.
  6. Beautifully played between the story line. Guard was GREAT. Excellent execution of some very nice drill.
  7. Harold B Walters was a family friend of ours in Hollywood Florida when I was growing up. Great man.
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