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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. The Scouts' uniform has a pants-leg-stirrup strap the keeps it in the correct position. It's that stirrup that prevents spats from being added. They march just fine. :-)
  2. Did you ever actually HEAR a good G line? Early 80's Devils or Madison? When will people ever realize that maybe those of who were around then actually KNOW WHAT WE'RE TALKING BAOUT?
  3. This move was planned all along as evident in the name change from "Memphis Youth ..." to "Midsouth Youth ..." When all new staff members are from a specific part of the country you can bet there's something going on. The next move will be the corps moving from the MYPAA to become part of the (Chris Green started) Frontier organization as a "more efficient" operation. The Memphis board members will be left out in the cold on this one. Soprano-in-G (edited for spelling)
  4. I just saw at the bottom of their press release something about their "move to Texas". Are they really going to abandon their Memphis home? (I'm sure they'll continue "using" Memphis members unless they are all going to Nashville. Soprano-in-G
  5. A friend of mine told me about 86 Sky Ryders firts tour in Dallas. The contra line had a backing up move that had a domino pileup. Contras flying everywhere. (and those were those gorgeous King contras too) (edit for spelling)
  6. Sky Ryders 1986 (Wizard of Oz show, second time) the hornline vocalized the opening chord of "Over the Rainbow". During the Mellophone solo the horns gradually faded into playing the same notes on their horns so you didn't notice that they had done it unless you listen for it. (They mayhave done it in 1985 too but they didn't make finals so I don't have a recording of that show)
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