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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Holy Name Cadets
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Cadets 2000
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  1. Colin has been there for 3 years now. In actual fact Colin has been great for the Cadets Drumline. Though I think Tom Aungst is great, the Cadets Drumline over the past 2-3 years has been rated/scored lower. There was a lot of Colin bashing early in the season this year when Boston and many of the mid placed corps were beating the Cadets drumline. This year with Colin, they were 3rd going into finals. With the unfortunate fall during finals we will never know if they would have placed better then 3rd.
  2. I prefer to see live shows but if you read my post I said there are not alot I can get to. In Texas where you live you have access to more shows. Look at the schedule. You have more chances at shows than I do. I am going to 3 shows plus finals this year. I never said Cadets get nothing from Fan Network. The producer for Live Access has his own business and he spends the summer with Cadets. He probably has enough on his plate with Cadets and wouldn't have the time to do more video content for Fan Network. I find Fan Network full of garbage clips and Live Access is a quality product. Well worth the $29.
  3. $29.00 is alot cheaper than going to a show. Just cut back on one of your trips if it bugs you this much. As other posters have said, its a great product with an award winning person running it. I live in part of the country where there are not alot of shows so the superior Cadets Access is the best bang for my buck. Cadets aren't asking you to pay again. You will see them on Fan Network as the season progresses, just not yet. Its only $29.00. 2 Days to Chambersburg!!
  4. I agree. Next thing people will complain about is that this years Cadets don't have enough narration in their show. Come on people, we have a student here who is not only a fan but has also offered on a whim, his services as a future meteorologist and as a volunteer for the whole summer with a drum corps. I agree, if he had volunteered with another corps, this thread would not exist. Now go complain about something more realistic like corps A's new drum colors or corps B's change of uniform design. I will be so glad when the competitive season starts and real threads start. Please put this thread out of it's misery!
  5. I know the topic is Cadets and voice, I just find it to be a tired topic.
  6. I agree but the narration discussions do go on way to long and quite frankly are boring now. As "Cadet2000" stated, lets wait until the season starts. My feeling is being the 75th Anniversary of the Cadets, they are going to honor their past (and Alumni) with a more traditional show.
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