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Everything posted by Corbin

  1. Why didn't the Bluecoats beat the Blue Devils in 2005?
  2. Why didn't Santa Clara or the Blue Devils win in 1988 rather than the Madison Scouts?
  3. I sum what agree, but revisiting good shows is something most fans welcome. This, I think, is especially true considering the innovations that have been made in just about every aspect of drum corps. Bringing back magical moments is usually well-received and is usually embraced with open arms.
  4. 1. Crown 2007 Opener first hit 2. Crown 2008 Opener first hit 3. Crown 2009 Ending of Puck
  5. Here is a question: Would the Crossmen be able to, let's say, redo like their 1992 show considering their move and reorganization? In other words, does the corp own copywrite to the orginal music or would they need to get permission from the original composer. IMHO, it would be cool to see them redo the 1992 show considering the new instrumentation they could bring to the music. Just curious.
  6. I really, really enjoyed this show. So, thank you for spotlighting it, Mr. Boo. I was wondering if you knew any of the history of the Crossmen this year. I have no direct stories, but I understand they had a difficult year in 1994. I, of course, have no details. Do you, Mr. Boo?
  7. The Bluecoats 2005 opener (Caravan)...and their closer. Also, their 2011 Creep rendition. I also want to do a shout-out to their 1991 show, which I really thought was better than 11th place with an 84.4.
  8. I am looking forward to hearing Crown's hornline play again and take another Jim Ott trophy.
  9. I was present as well. I believe it was around 40 degrees. A lot of corps where legitimately struggling with intonation issues this night. And, of course, all of us who were on tour with a corp has NO clothes whatsoever for this fall night :).
  10. I would have to say 1992 Cadets. Their finals night performance was at peak performance. A demanding show in very cold weather. I think they should have won. One could also look at Crown 2009. I don't think many expected them to place 2nd at finals, especially based on how they performed early in the season.
  11. I couldn't agree more with this. You must understand, however, that some would see this statement as fight-worthy. But I do not believe Mr. May helped Crown much at all in the last three years. And, oh yes...PLEASE STOP ALL THE UNNECESSARY BODY MOVEMENT!
  12. The context of your comment is limited to last year, but what about 2009 and 2010. No rock there. By the way, if you can win high brass with rock, you can we a title. If the judges didn't like the rock, they didn't have to give the brass caption to Crown so I don't buy the argument.
  13. This type of comment reminds me of the academy award bias for drama and their distaste for comedy and sci-fi as even contenders for best picture. This type of thinking is just plain garbage.
  14. I kind of what to steer the discussion back to Crown from the Cadets, although their 2011 show was really great. Some have discussed that the issue of design flaw has held Crown back. Please try to provide some feedback as to what you mean by design flaw in some detail.
  15. You may have to show some grace to Splat...he seems to get somewhat upset when Crown gets critiqued in any way.
  16. Absolutely on the better drill design and the need for much less body movement!!!!!
  17. To address the very last part of your comment, the music of 2009 was not a significant issue for the judges or the fans, so this seems part seems to be out in left field, as Crown took high brass. As far as addressing the middle of your comment, some of the staff is up to the challenge and has the teaching ability to see Crown a champion, some do not. The kids have been the highlight of Crown's past few years. Design is an issue, but again that is a staffing problem. Hopefully with a few of the staff changes that have been made recently, Crown can address this difficulty.
  18. Nothing is wrong at all with entertainment and fun. But what do you mean by "great"? You seem to give the impression that most of Crown's current members are simply there for these purposes. Maybe they are, but if drum corps was solely about these attributes, then why have competition at all, judge shows, or hand out trophies? Furthermore, my don't most members who are now part of the Crown organization go to Pioneer or other corps that have little chance of winning a title. Again, the impression that you seem to give is that competitiveness is not a major part of the activity. In reality, it is.
  19. I complete agree with your opinion, but you would not believe the die-hard former and present Crown members who consider this a kind of treason to say this, especially those that are active on DCP during the actual season. What is opinion does is to confirm that Crown does indeed suffer from some design flaws and these are staff rather than member related. Thank you for at least some support.
  20. This type of response is a non-reply. It basically says that Crown (e.g., its members) have not had the potential to win over the last few years. I am glad to see that Crown seems to have made some positive staff changes.
  21. I disagree about BD being unstoppable in 2009. Visual was the real weakness for Crown in 2009. Unfortunately, the head visual designer is still there and has not done a good job, IMO, designing and teaching the visual problem at Crown in the last couple of seasons.
  22. I would say better. New perspectives sometimes can push performers to greatness. Crown needs to bring in new head visual design blood though, but I think they have a descent chance this year.
  23. Unfortunately, the music isn't the problem. It's visual, percussion, and guard. Hopefully having changes in the guard and percussion staff will bring more progress than they have had in a couple of areas in the last couple of years.
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