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George Dixon

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Everything posted by George Dixon

  1. Rocky point brass warm up from last night - turn your speakers up REALLY LOUD - or better yet, put on headphones with MAX volume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWTD1L1UbUA
  2. The crown fans are just salty. They haven't had a fresh drill move since star 1993!! KIDDING!!!!!
  3. Hop already noticed me. I'm famous now worldwide for peeing my pants due to the newly added mini Z pull. Yeah!
  4. I don't see it. Is there an X somewhere?
  5. it looks great - they just adjusted the final moments after the "TEN" set -- the final company front pulls outward (Z pull in the middle of the front) and they finish in a large arc behind the ten small platforms. Guard drill remains the same. It's an adjustment which heightens the moment. But it is NOT a full Z pull that unwinds with a chromatic scale - just a bit of one. A Mini Z pull. Seemed very cool via periscope last night
  6. usually (I have both an iPad and an Android phone) when you add the person their "recent" are listed there However when you go back into the main app they won't be listed until they post something since you followed them so watch the recent on the people tab when you find them
  7. from Hopkins: "Well - not this weekend , Soon but the transformation is yet to come . Go Cadets !!! Three big shows this weekend starting tonight in Murfreesboro"
  8. Having issues making your periscope larger? That sounds like something you will just have to sort out for yourself And yes, the cadets changes are very strong!
  9. There was a member in the 2015 predictions thread just over a week ago predicting they wouldn't medal and may finish fifth.
  10. oh gotcha - 90 had the "S pull" in reference to Marc Sylvester - the winding/unwinding play on the Z pull from the Zingali years I was actually AT the show where they debut it - the audience went NUTS as you can imagine went back and rewatched tonights - it is a pretty full blow Z pull in the middle third of the front - not as wound up so not as much to unwind but a great moment the music build / chord there fits nicely with the effect but the 90 S pull (fake Z pull) was a moment of brilliance for sure - the other one in that show was the pause and "leg scratch" the corps did during the show (fancy free ballet) - just so cool
  11. it's ok to do some blatant "in your face" with all the less subtle the masses need some red meat now and then
  12. yup - it is another excellent addition to this program - the drill is becoming something very special a number of less obvious changes in the waltz, guard staging in moments, a little more drill here and there - lots of additions that should pump up that GE
  13. I was a Z pull in the center of the larger company front as the whole thing resolved - quite cool and fitting
  14. wow - so a great run by the Cadets - they debut the new ending tonight After the "TEN" the final moments are revised with a more "Z pull" pulling of the line into a large arc that forms behind the 10 small platforms - stretching from 10 yard line to 10 yard line A much more structured and impressive final set than the prior scatter drill They also added a nice musical change to the X formation at the end of the opener - very effective
  15. strong show from the Crossmen - I think they need to rework a little of the closer (for flow) and just keep cleaning!
  16. I must have misunderstood you saying "I hope they save battery for Cadets" then sorry.
  17. Crossmen have a done a lot over the past few weeks to improve the musical transitions - flows very well now Also adding a lot more "moments" between visual and music - speeds by now. Felt "long" early season. Big improvement the past couple weeks!
  18. Go Bones! Also scoping live... They LOOK great. Visual is very strong for them this year Guard solid. Hornline is really starting to come alive with a big and solid sound I do think the "groove" percussion sound is a bit MIA for much of the show - I like the expanded (or improved?) feature for the battery right after the show's opening statement The show just needs a little more groove - which they seem to be adding... Nice trumpet feature down front during the front third
  19. agreed. IF they change just do the uni with the maroon as black and keep the rest - change the sash to neon green and possibly add a double belt for an "X" in the front IF they change... keep the white pants
  20. It actually reminds me of Crown's -- this year's.... vs. Crowns of years past and yes - the drill is a weakness for them. They need a much more lyrical drill than they have been given
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