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    paterson nj

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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. seems pretty simple the show is a celebration of the the great acheivements of mankind like the vertical spinal column, progressive thought ( e=mc2 ) and lastly the best thing about being alive = being in love. thankyou crown for trying to drag the apes out of the primordial ooze.
  2. hello everyone, some years ago i had an ENSONIQ eps synthesizer keyboard, one of the sounds that came with it was called "MIAMI BRASS". this sample sounded so much like drum corps that i made an arrangement of a pop tune for drum corps. since then i havent found anything quite as good to use,anyone know whats new in this area?
  3. can, if you come from the gut sound era you really are from the olden days. i heard the beautiful old gut snares in grammer school and i own a ludwig 15 inch. by he time i got into a corp in 65 the metal snares were more machine gun. i am also annoyed by the latest sound which dates back to the 70's with "kevlar" and scotch style snare drums "snares under top" it really does sound like tabletop and plastitone. i heard sometime ago that the judges favored the sound because you can hear extreme detail. also higher tentions on these heads allow for faster playing with less effort which is welcomed due to faster drills. all is not lost though , the pit groups usually carry sweet classical snare drums and solo them nicely.
  4. hey ol cabby, remember when the skyliners did "traffic jam? this created great excitment for the fans musically educated or not. personally i'm amazed how evolved drum corps have become. while the skyliners might have been given four notes to jam with the blue devil's play their space chord exersize as pure as a synthesizer with the clusters , swipes, double diminished etc. on the other hand the blue stars did a warm up at san antononio in 07 that could send you on a magic carpet ride , i think it was a french composer. then the cadets with " this i believe" played an opening fanfare to go to war with. whew! the american public has been in touch with dissonance as long as televison and movies have been around, think about the mystery, horror and drama subjects. dci gimme all you got!
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