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Everything posted by shofmon88

  1. A lot of people are having flawless feeds. I sure am, all the way in Australia. It's most likely at your end.
  2. Eh, who cares? Shows don't have to be "about" anything to be good.
  3. Real grass field. They're only used on artificial fields.
  4. Probably your cache. Refresh, clear cache, should be good.
  5. I like that DATR has its own commercials. It seems that this show is quite independent from DCI. Pretty sure Ascend does most of the footwork here.
  6. They just tested the pit speakers. Lined up with my audio haha
  7. That vocal track over Shosty 10 really creates some interesting tension. I actually think it works really well.
  8. That was AMAZING. That's one of my favorite shows this season, no question.
  9. Given a full tour, this corps and show would be dangerous. The would potentially be able to make the Prelims movie theatre broadcast.
  10. I'm excited for the Battalion! I've been waiting to see them since the beginning of last season.
  11. On the FloMarching side, sound balance is great (multicam). There's a lot of bass and other effects from the pit, but it isn't overpowering the hornline. I notice that the mics are enormously tall, that may be helping. Definitely the best audio I've heard for DATR (so far).
  12. This is a great corps. They're putting on a great last show.
  13. That storm really did pop out of nowhere. Only took one frame of the radar loop to appear. However, it's moving roughly west. With enough luck, it should miss the stadium completely. (Blue dot is directly over Mile High) edit: well, its hard to tell the direction. Looks like it's moving south now. Either way, it should pass quickly. posted from the DrumScorps app
  14. It looks like the storm may just implode on itself just east of Denver. If anything does reach the stadium, it'll be right about show time, but it shouldn't last. I would say the chance of a 30 minute rain delay is sitting at about 50%. Weather in Denver can change extremely rapidly, however. We'll have a better idea in about an hour.
  15. Sydney, Australia. Ten past Eight now, Sunday the 16th. Let me tell you, watching DCI shows is definitely difficult sometimes due to the schedule. Prelims usually starts around 4am...
  16. The surface winds in Denver are a bit funky right now. Looks like that moisture is going to be pushed back against the foothills, which is a pretty good recipe for severe weather. Conditions change in the blink of an eye in Denver though, and it could wind up like 2014, and rain everywhere except the stadium (that day was seriously the most humid day I've ever felt in Denver). posted from the DrumScorps app
  17. I've heard in the past that part of the agreement to use Mile High Stadium (it should never be called anything else) is a requirement to use the in-house media production team (hence some of the spectacularly bad broadcasts for this event in the past). Does anyone know if this is/was actually the case? If true, is it still a requirement?
  18. You're not allowed to record at DCI shows. Just watch them tomorrow on the DATR broadcast.
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