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Everything posted by ContraFart

  1. There is a lot to like in that Spirit show. I can't wait to see how they shack against Colts and Troopers
  2. Moving away from FL was the best thing I have even done.
  3. I'm scratching my head too since I thought Cavies guard had an off night. I mean the show started when a rifle tossed 1 count early
  4. Which means its possible for Bloo to win, but the problem is that they are not top in any caption outside of GE. Probably finish about 4th in Brass and Guard and 3rd in visual. I can't see how they place higher than 3rd. Crown on the other hand has a higher ceiling and so do Cavies for that matter.
  5. Has any corps ever won with a performance ordinal lower than 5th?
  6. BD will break 81 tonight Cavies will be at about a 79.9
  7. I don't understand the need for the French Horns if they aren't going to play in a more recognizable range. You could have done the same thing with euphoniums and it would have had a better sound
  8. I like these uniforms before the transition. I just dislike that pink they have used the past few years
  9. I disagree. In the beginning when they move around a lot, they represent a new beauty, during the ballad, they bundle them up and use them for shelter. In the end, they are just sort of random so I don't know, Phantom people help me out and let me know if I am in the ballpark
  10. I see them as obstacles they find on the foreign planet
  11. I really like this Phantom show. Great pit book
  12. I am pretty sure there will eventually be a new ending
  13. Multi cam isn't coming off the high cam much tonight.
  14. 2014 Blue Stars brings me to tears every time I watch it.
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