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Everything posted by henry7184

  1. While I appreciate the talent here, I just can't get as into Boston as I can with Vanguard, Crown and Bluecoats. Same with Devils - can't get into them.
  2. You need to improve your reading comprehension skills. Yes, people were poking fun about the overkill of shouting RHRN and the fabric, but the overwhelming response to the show was praise, especially concerning the drill, hornline and guard (which was out of this world sensational tonight).
  3. After Saturday no one, for the rest of my life, better say "right here, right now." It's SO OVERKILL CROWN!
  4. Man, Bluecoats are so cool but I feel bad for those kids haven't to listen to that keytar day in and day out. It does my head in.
  5. I disagree. They are back. I think their show is so fantastic. Yes, maybe not up to what the top top corps are doing, but they are sensational this year. I was very worried after 2019 that they were going to head the way of Regiment and Madison. Glad that didn't happen.
  6. LOL I thought Crown was next and without my glasses I was like "WTF now they have a stop light too." Getting old sucks people. Don't do it.
  7. #### that show is breathtaking. What I love most about it is it is the most punch you in the face aggressive and most sublimely beautiful all at the same time. Great job Vanguard!
  8. Same. Usually I am a big fan of theirs but I can't get into this one. Not enough Prokofiev. The could have found the music for the whole show in his epic opera War and Peace. Missed opportunity.
  9. I remember marching into the stadium during semifinals (in the 80s there were no quarters) the first season I marched and feeling those jitters. They were gone the second the show started. You train for this all year and know you have a job to do. Once the show starts, there's nothing else to think of other than the million things you have to do.
  10. Well, I gotta admit Big Bird was closer than I was. I thought Cavles were going to be top 5 before the season started. 9th is closer to 11th than 5th.
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