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Terri Schehr

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Terri Schehr last won the day on August 27

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  1. Yes. I played mellophone in the Royal Airs Reunion Corps in 2002 and 2003.
  2. Do you mind messaging me? I have a question about some information I received the other day about this case. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, too. TIA
  3. Okay so post some staff news besides what everyone else knows or do you just want to play hall monitor?
  4. I marched with this guy in 1978 in the same freaking French horn section. One year. He claims 76 and 77 online. He wasn’t in those lines because for one thing, they were all women. LOLOL fool.
  5. I’m only laughing at your post because of 42 Buckaroos. Imagine having to invent a drum corps identity. Aim higher, people. Pretend you invented the internet or something.
  6. FYI 42 Buckaroos are people who say they marched but didn’t or claim years that they didn’t march. I know someone like that. Called him out on it and he still wouldn’t let it go. Dumbazz.
  7. What was really hypocritical was to ask the drum corps members to help with fall band as in-line instructors when we returned. 🤦‍♀️
  8. I’ll have to check it out. I go to Leonid and Friends every year, too.
  9. Yeah but you were sleeping in your own bed under your parent’s supervision until the big trip at the end. We had mostly local shows so I was home almost every weekend. A few times a year in bag on the floor for a weekend in Iowa, Wisconsin or Indiana . And back then, we had a crew of local parents chaperoning to keep an eye on us. I started marching at 14, too.
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