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  1. And we didn't think this thread could get even more off track... 😂
  2. It takes a lot of time and effort to set up electronics, not to mention the risk of more rain still coming, so most corps aren't bringing them out for a standstill.
  3. I think only time will tell if this will be a great fit or not. But one thing I do know is they won't create chaos. The Mandarins culture won't allow that to happen.
  4. Bad take. A break from drum corps, but not from writing and teaching. They've been leading one of the best winter percussion groups in the nation. Plus, the rest of the design team has a clear vision, and if they don't believe these guys are on the same page, they won't bring them in.
  5. He was answering someone else's question who may have missed that post among the 100s of unrelated garbage. And not sure this was ever confirmed. Let's not be rude for no reason.
  6. I am not talking about donating to a member's Venmo or Gofundme. Many member sponsorships can be done directly thru the corps' donation page and be considered a donation, like a scholarship of sorts. I've done it multiple times, and my company matches.
  7. For fundraising, including sponsorships (usually made thru your chosen corps' site), I always tell kids to also ask potential sponsors to look into company match programs. A $500 sponsorship can easily turn into $1,000, without being an added financial burden for the sponsor but ends up helping you twice as much! Good luck!!!
  8. If this is true, and I'm having a hard time believing it is (Tim is Troopers thru n thru, just elected to their HoF, and mind for design is a perfect fit for them), this may be the strangest hire in all of DCI for 2025. Nothing that Tim does for Troopers will translate the same for Cavies. I don't see Troopers ever placing better than 9th or 10th, and that is not what Cavies want to settle for.
  9. Honestly, I think if you're going to make such bold statements, you should have to put up. Saying the things you're saying and then follow it up with airing dirty laundry is not your style is the most passive aggressive bs follow-up you can make. And I'm a fan of yours, but don't agree with your approach on these recent posts, so sorry... I needed to call you out on it.
  10. You have two choices... Eat outside the stadium but miss some performances, or eat in the stadium so you can see everyone. Because the shows are so long and we wanted to maximize our time in LOS, we had to eat inside the stadium during the events, but the choices are not that bad. Seemed like different concession stands offered slightly different menus - burgers, hot dogs, chili dogs/nachos, cheese/pepperoni/sausage pizzas, chicken tenders and fries, and more. So while the food isn't *great*, it was not that bad. The personalized pizzas and chicken tenders and fries did the trick for us.
  11. Unless you're Bill Belichick or Colin Kaepernick. Basically, if your last name ends with "ick", apparently.
  12. To your point, Mandarins have succeeded with that approach... Becca Anderson and Rick Brown/Bryen Warfield.
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