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DCP Veteran

DCP Veteran (2/3)



  1. haha, that's pretty cool. crazy! but still neat.
  2. Hey y'all, i need some help. We are trying to recreate those flashy little gizmos that the guard was using during the 1991 show. Does anyone out there know what they are made of? Also, did they spin them, or were they just waving them to get a flashy effect. My boss wants them exactly like Star's looked, so if there are any alumni out there i would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  3. dci.org is acting all jacked up for me. anyone else going through this?
  4. they're not meant to be understood. just nod your head, smile and say "yes."
  5. lsinwod osisonwe ookons gorilla asloiwnodsa rimshot mo fo!
  6. congrats to the academy! so yeah, i think it's pretty safe to say they got this one in the bag. you can quote me on that one too.
  7. wow wow wow!!!!!! that was, simply put, AMAZING! way to go academy!
  8. some good things going on with ecj and oc. this is the first i had seen or heard them, and they were both impressive. too bad i couldn't see any other corps. i had to work during the day, but these last four corps are making up for it!
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