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Everything posted by garfield

  1. Now why couldn't they set that mood with mellos or baris instead of the synth???
  2. How about giving me that '80s "blow the back off the stands" instead?
  3. "The kids are actually making the music when they touch the keyboard...". Oh, and that makes synths all ok. Yuck.
  4. I remember when Spirit didn't need no stinking synth to boost the bass.
  5. Huh? Delayed broadcast? Or a differnt time zone?
  6. Yea, but I can still see you in my mind's eye!
  7. As I said during the SA, I LOVE your pic as much as I loved that 2000 show. One of my all-time favorites watching you guys have such fun!
  8. Yea, but only among you young whipper-snappers. You'll speak more clearly as you age.
  9. "Old Snare"? Me, too. Leave it to a drummer to figure it out.
  10. Anyone want to guess how many will join the thread tonight? There were, what, 1100 in here for SA? Guess for tonight?
  11. Well, that was MUCH better than SA! I wonder if judges have history bias? It was bad so now it must be bad? Can't see this showing scoring as bad as it is.
  12. Why do they all look so short and squatty? Is FN broadcasting in widescreen?
  13. Well at least they have a few who can still rip!
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