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garfield last won the day on September 19 2020

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  1. ~5,200 Walmarts across the US, mostly super-stores with pharmacies and many with eye-care. ~9,000 CVS locations across the US; only 1,100 ('23) have walk-in Minute Clinics with staff on hand. Personal observations of reading corporate material: CVS is finishing a major corporate restructuring because of a 37% decline in profit mid-2023. CVS laid off 5,000 employees (~2% of total 300,000 US employees) in Aug, 2023. CVS's "New Store" data seems to focus on senior health. Walmart is converting stores to a completely new format (more of a "town market" design including home goods, expanded groceries, etc CVS has some food stuffs but on a very limited basis. No home goods, tools, etc. Walmart plans include building or converting 150 stores in 2024. CVS is still closing locations. Walmart employs ~1.1 million people in the US CVS has a stock market value of ~$87 billion Walmart has a stock market value of ~$485 billion (including non-US operations) Walmart health locations include eye care Considering all of the variety of products/services/consumables that modern day drum corps need to get down the road, it seems to me that Walmart offers a better one-stop opportunity for the activity than do CVS. Importantly, drive to your local CVS and see if you can fit a drum corps caravan into their parking lot; almost every Walmart has plenty of room for the whole circus with lots of parking left over. Also, most Walmart locations are NOT in center-city but, instead, are on major highways just outside of town - another access tick in favor of Walmart. While Walmart has lots of turnover, they also employ lots more and very importantly (IMO) give MANY more people the chance to get into a job and on the ladder of success. Also, CVS carries their DEI credentials proudly on their corporate mission (with most policies proven ineffective and profit-robbing) while Walmart chooses to hire lots of people from all walks of life while sticking to its knitting of driving profits on being the low-cost provider. In my experience, Walmart actually provides DEI-type policies and doesn't have to brag about it for Wall St or social acceptance points. When (if) we add in the benefits of Sam's club bulk purchasing (not even available through CVS), to my eye this is a great win for the activity and with the best-possible partner to pull it off effectively. Lastly, and most importantly, at Walmart today's kids can experience what BITD drum corps was like by getting $1.50 hot dog or slice with a drink! Walmart keeps tradition alive!, am I right?
  2. In fact, the hardest thing about this is staff getting over their winning egos and enforcing the No-F mandate.
  3. Yes, period. If kids are being taught that drum corps is life then with stardom comes incredible responsibility. The higher you get on the totem pole, the more your a** shows. It is the way of all life. Still, I personally thinks it's silly to try to regulate hormone-filled kids' Roman tongues and Russian fingers. Incredibly hard to legislate morality beyond teaching but harsh mandates, as in all public adult life, are suitable motivators if known and enforced.
  4. I appreciate the kind words and recollections of, now, a decade or longer ago. My, time flies even as things in drum corps look pretty much the same. I always thought it would be fun and interesting to do a 10-yr follow up to see if any 990s showed a significant difference but now I think I'll let someone else take that ball. I know a few that would differ greatly: SCV and Cadets being among the most-easy to guess. I've generally been satisfied checking in to the activity a few times a year just to see if anything worthwhile strikes me, instead of a daily immersion into all-things-drum corps. I appreciate the fair-travel wishes but mine's actually centered on little turbulence and landing safely. When I'm in "home port" I'll likely stop by to read some of my favorite posters here.
  5. My screen name, almost as old as DCP, is in honor of the corps. Their performances consistently ranked the corps in top positions with me, with only a few exceptional years. The alumni I know are at the same time crushed and unsurprised. The G7 Thank GOD for the O-13 (the Other 13), led by a big, affable, and tenacious Italian corps director in Jersey and his friends, who had the ball-bearings to fight back in the most creative of ways to derail the DCI coup and takeover. My appreciation of their corps' performances aside, I would appreciate a word from the humble-pie-stuffed mouths of the other six corps of the notorious group who held the G7 document and its (half) creator above their heads like a proverbial Will Smith at the Spartacus opener. At this time, poignantly, the rest of the activity's "leaders" would show considerable humility, direction of focus, and unity if they were to proclaim to be ever vigilant against the potential damage from a too-powerful ego. That Sparta-Hop's has now been all but killed leaves the door open for a new concerted effort to root out the rot and pledge activity-wide to DFTK. His involvement and his corps' demise permit the survivors to build anew on top of the foundational bones of the old, just the same as in Spartacus' Rome. My hunch is that DCI is next (see below) and, when it itself becomes part of the rubble foundation of the drum corps' history, the remaining leadership of the activity will want the trust and patience of the fans while they rebuild the "show producer" function of DCI, the organization. They'll go a long way toward earning that trust, IMO, if those remaining corps now become the real nails in the Cadets/Hop coffin by pledging to never again let such hubris by one or two beguile others into a coup mentality. DCI's "deep pockets" DCI has $12mm in the bank? Seriously? I haven't paid much attention in recent years but, back when I was active pre-2021, I don't remember accounting for a single year where DCI has a 5-digit balance in the bank. In fact, their ultimate stated goal for years was to build a $500m cushion in their budget; to the best of my memory, they never attained that goal. So, where'd this cash come from? Ahh... Covid Cash. I remember the talk at the time: DCI needed funds to keep a tour operation going even though there were no shows to pay in to keep it going. Huh? So, DCI needed to sustain itself when it had no job to do for two, frightful summers? So they took gratuitous tax dollars, got it. So many thieves, IMO. The corps created DCI to promote shows so, if the corps couldn't perform shows, what was DCI needed to do? I understand paying a staff or two to maintain relationships, etc was important but, otherwise, it should have been shut down and stripped to the bones, 50th anniversary or not. This kind of financial foolishness is exactly of the type that has the activity as a whole but a few coffin nails away from demise. I can kind-of justify the corps themselves taking free taxpayer stimulus (kind of: no tour = few expenses) but I've felt from first hearing it that DCI was gaming the Covid system to the detriment of taxpayers and it smelled as bad as socks at the end of the season. The irony is that by taking the money and finally getting their "cushion" (about one year's tour expenses) DCI has made themselves a target in a deep-pockets lawsuit looking to reimburse attorneys for expenses (and hoped-for payday) if not for restitution to the actual victims. Karma, truly. It makes me chuckle that their cushion could be so short-lived and the remaining corps will be right back in the same position of having to fund a tour company to organize their shows even while they claim every dollar is needed to design, write, teach, and perform them. Their reliance on "someone else" accomplishing the cushion goal might well leave them in exactly the same position of having no cushion at all in DCI. Again, on bended knee, they should swear an oath to the Jacobs-idol to never again let the ramblings of a known lunatic drive their decisions or egos. It never ends well. Insurance to Cover Ream has made the apt point twice now and it can't be skipped (because, I'll say it: if Jeff and a few others spotted it, you know the sharp insurance company attorneys will, too): the event at the center of THIS case happened at a non-sanctioned, non-sponsored event where a group of like-minded corps participants gathered for fun. It wasn't a "company event", reportedly. Liability insurance covers the insured's events, not casual gatherings where attendance was optional and spontaneous. Estoppel laws would prevent overlapping liability and, obviously, insuring against the antics of 128 high-school aged knuckleheads while on official corps business is hard (and expensive) enough. I've watched enough insurance scam YT videos to think that, in all likelihood, DCI's liability insurance didn't apply and, instead, it's the accused's personal liability insurance (if any) that would protect an accused while not on "company business", not the coverage provided to the company for when he/she was on company business. EDIT: If DCI's liability coverage won't pay for litigation or damage settlements, then that $12mm bank balance has a target on it. So, I see the Wiley-Coyote-eyed attorneys focused in on DCI's bank balance and smelling blood. I won't be at all surprised to see the next marching shoe to drop being DCI's "cushion" significantly eaten up by defense and settlement costs. In a double irony way, if I'm right and, if DCI survives the attack, it will be left penniless, wholly dependent on the gate revenue produced by the remaining corps performing shows with no financial cushion against calamity. IOW, exactly as it's been for mostly every year of DCI's existence prior to the pandemic pennies from heaven. It will again be left up to the leadership of performing corps to craft the new DCI into the image it needs and wants to produce a tour. Let's hope they keep the G7 debacle, and my hoped-for humility, front and center of their minds as they do. Lastly, to Cadets2000, your disgust and exasperation at the whole is just like that which drove me away from active participation a few years ago. Let it happen. It's OK to walk away and even fashionable now to proactively stop buying products from companies whose actions turn your stomach. As a very good friend of mine said as I was headed out the door, "There are other things" that will fill the hole left by finally calling the spade and walking away. You'll broaden by the action more than the feeling of the loss of something precious. I, and many others, can attest to it. And, at the same time, don't cancel your DCP account but, instead, reduce your drum corps habit down to a few times a year to check in and see if anything has changed (in drum corps if not in DCP). One never knows: three-peats happen, (We Are) The Future wins and, sometimes, Angels defeat the Demons after the bloody battle. It's worth checking in now and then.
  6. There's only one corps that could pull off the brilliance of Jacob Collier, The Blue Devils. "Savant" is the perfect word for this guy. Perfect pitch, nearly perfect arrangements. BD can handle the close harmonies and "500 line" demands of Collier; few others can only hope to do bubble-gum "fun stuff". Colliers brilliance is that he makes the incredibly difficult stuff seem like the fun stuff, exactly BD's style. Of course, for 40 years I've hoped that Phantom would do the entire 12 min Brahms Academic Festival Overture on the field, start to finish. The full chord volume of PR's richness would make hair stand on end.
  7. I've seen every company front since 1973, and this thread is the most fun I've had on DCP in a long, long time. When I'm reduced to dribbling on my chin, I hope my family plays these shows to let me die with a smile on my face.
  8. My hunch is that your suggestion will be fulfilled, but it's an educated hunch. Maybe watch for such news. My understanding is that Steve Vickers at DCW says there are no copies of the History in inventory or available. Maybe for good reason, but I suspect the final owner will be pleased to have snagged mine.
  9. Not to worry, I'm only going to bump this a couple of times, then I'm off to Ebay. The History pair is sold, as is the DCI First 35 Years in pics is sold. Nobody wants to play Drum Corps Trivia? How about taking some cards to a show this year to have fun between corps? Yes, it's old skool and, Yes, it will do you good to play a game and learn some history. Monopoly will cost you as much, and you can't play Monopoly in the stands. Just saying. G
  10. My viewpoint is that I've donated tens-of-thousands to the activity over multiple decades. I'll encourage the next owner to consider donating to the cause.
  11. Yes, I have both but, at the moment I'm not offering any of my media for sale (yet). I have SO much going back to the '80's PBS recordings on BETA (and a Betamax machine to go with them) that it will take me some time to categorize it all.
  12. No, but the two chairs I'm standing on can be had for a good price. Nice catch, BTW. I hadn't even noticed.
  13. EDIT: ***ALL PROGRAMS ARE SOLD.***. Only the Cadets Commemorative and the Trivia game are still available as of Dec. 11, '23. After decades following drum corps, I'm finally cleaning out stuff that, maybe, others will find more interesting than I do now. I'm starting with my print materials. I'm posting here first to avoid Ebay fees and because I respect the level of fandom on DCP. After a reasonable time going unsold, I'll offer the collection "publicly". Prices are FIRM and bids will be ignored - the only exception will be to consider a bid for the entire collection of all materials listed here. Payment method is flexible but the buyer will pay any money transfer fees. Personal check accepted but items will ship only after the payment has cleared my bank. Please note, I'm being very specific in my offering details and, in particular, regarding the programs. Any bids for individual items that I list as part of a group will be considered only after the collection is offered on Ebay. The buyer will pay for shipping and please be aware that the programs are very heavy. The programs will be shipped in four boxes of about 10lbs each. You can estimate shipping costs from Columbus, Ohio. Questions can be posted here but I suggest emailing me directly at garfield@columbus.rr.com (including copy of collection photo or individual photos as requested). Zoom on HQ photo for visual. Championship Finals Programs - Only offered now as a single sale for the entire collection. $350.00 Notes: At least one program is available for each of the listed years. Many later years have two copies, as was DCI's premium to Friends members. Many second copies are plastic-wrapped and unopened. Where indicated, the prior night's recap sheet is included. Unless indicated otherwise, all programs are in "Very Good" to "Excellent" condition. 1986 - (2) plus Recap 1988 - Plus Sports Illustrated short story on Star of Indiana 1991 - plus ticket stub and Recap 1992 - plus Recap, plus program to Pageant of Champions (local Columbus show) 1993 - Fair condition, plus Recap 1994 1995 1996 - plus Recap, plus 1996 Year in Review with all season scores 1997 1998 - with Prelims and Semis Recaps 1999 - (2) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 - plus Recap 2005 2006 - plus Recap 2007 - (2, one wrapped) 2008 - Fair condition, plus DCI Magazine 2009 - (2) plus DCI Magazine 2010 - (2) 2011 2012 - (2, one wrapped) 2013 - (2), with ticket stub, Prelims and Semis Recaps 2014 - (2) 2015 - (2) 2016 - (2) 2017 - (2) 2018 - (2, one wrapped) 2019 Other Collector's Items (offered individually, prices as marked): 1984 Garfield Cadets Commemorative Program - $25 **SOLD** DCI First 35 Years in Photos - $30 **SOLD** **SOLD** History of Drum Corps, Volumes 1 & 2 (offered only as a set), $100. **SOLD** Drum Corps Trivia game (1986), complete with all cards and materials (box in fair to good condition) - $40
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