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Everything posted by Baumer

  1. Do you think Spirit and Glassmen will change positions before finals? Who will take 11th and who will take 12th?
  2. I personally would like to see Spirit in 11th, Crossmen in 12th(would make a great/fun opening to Finals), and Glassmen in 13th.
  3. In 2003 Spirit was in 14th in Quarterfinals but in 12th at Semi's...anything can happen. Although, Spirit had beaten the corps in the 11th, 12th, and 13th place spots the 2 weeks before finals in 2003, and Colts have not beaten Sprit all season. So the chances that the Colts can have a surge and bust into the op twelve are not looking to likely, but still possible.
  4. I am curious what the score gap will be between Spirit and Glassmen! Scores Anyone?
  5. Spirit and Glassmen are getting pretty close in score. I think Spirit might pass them this week. We will see.
  8. Looks like DCI has pretty much locked in Spirit at the 12th spot. Spirit continues to float in the middle of Colts and Glassmen with a pretty large point spread.
  9. I disaggee...Spirits Flag work is equally as complex as Colts or Crossmen and Spirits weapon line this year is stronger than Crossmen and Colts put together.
  10. After seeing Spirit on Wednesday July 26th at Russellville, Alabama it is obvious to me why they are so far ahead. They have really cleaned their show! Visually there is some park and blow sections but the drill is overall pretty nice...a huge step up from previous years. They have a solid guard, especially the rifle line, and the percussion looked and sounded more intense & cleaner than Crossmen as of Wednesday. Just saying how it was at Russellville. I beleive it is more likely that Spirit is going to sneak up on Glassmen than Colts or Crossmen to pass Spirit.
  11. ALABAMA BATTLE OF THE BRASS RUSSELLVILLE, AL Division 2 Memphis Sound-Wow, Holy Brass, Great Show! Division 1 The Magic- Loud Horns, Bland Guard, Sorry Seattle Cascades- Wonderdul Dark Sounds, Left Confused?!? Crossmen- +Design, Fun Show, Much improved! Madison Scouts- Very fast, Very dirty, +LOUD! Santa Clara Vanguard- Clean, Impressive, Professional, Lone Marcher? Glassmen- White Spandex? Really? Enough Said. Spirit- Throw babies! SOA is here!
  12. I know this is not quite on topic, but I couldn't find a better topic to ask this question in. I have been writing drill for high scholl band for four years and teaching trumpets. I have been asked to teach beginner trumpet lessons and I curious if anyone out there knows of and good books that have a continued program that works up to the high school level. Please let me know.
  13. Music City Legend was great! If you get a chance to see them, Definitely check them out! For such a small group they really blew away the crowd! Good luck to ya'll.
  14. Thanks guys. I'll fork out the money by finals for the hat.
  15. Overall Thoughts: The show was a great first show for Memphis since there has not been a show in Memphis is many years. A very packed stadium. Althought this show says it was in Memphis, TN it was actually 30 minutes south of Memphis in Southaven, MS at Desoto Central High School. The stadium was nice and big and the parking was great! The weather started looking bad as the show began. The first 4 corps preformed without any rain. Once the Division 1 corps took the field after intermission the rain began. It wasn't hard rain...but enough to make you really wet! All groups prefeormed great despite the weather. Also, Troopers got stuck in bad traffic on the way to the show and pulled only 25 minutes before their performance time, so they switched times with Southwind. Music City Legend This is a brand new group from Nashville, TN. They only had 16 in the hornline, 6 in percussion, and no colorguard. They did a standstill performance. Either they haven't finished the drill yet or something. They sound great for being such a small group and the croud loved them! Not much more I can say. Court of Honor This group has really grown this year. Not that many in the colorguard yet buy they really can play. The hornline is large and the drumline is almost full. The opener drill is really complex and only gets harder as the opener comes to an end. They really performed Seuss "esque" music in the most entertaining way possible. The drum feature in the show really makes the show interesting. The hornline comes to the front sidelines and pules out 3 trifold bridge like sets that features the guard, horns, and finally the drumline when the drum solo begins. There is some really great snare and tenor music written here, and performed at an August level. After this, the show pretty much goes downhill. The guard opened the show using alot of color but once the balad hit, the flags turned white, tan, and brown. The hornline got tired and dullness of the flags really made the show take a bad turn. There is not connection from the ballad to the closer and the gurad pulls out another flag, similar to the tan and brown flags, but with a hint of green. Horns got really tired during the closer, but managed to finish the show. This show has potential but some chop excercises will really help this hornline. Americanos The Americanos did not perform on the same level as Court of Honor. The hornline was smaller and did not quite make the impact moments that COH created. There were only 5 in the guard and one girl was out half the show. The opener was really rough with major phasing from horns to percussion. The hornline really was dragging tonight. The drumline was pretty full and had a great bassline. The weakest element for the corps is definitlely the horline and the guard. Alot of work will be needed to clean up this show....fortunetly there is plenty of time. Memphis Sound All I can say is WOW! This group was brand new last year and started off pretty good! This show is really cookin! It is entitled Elements of Blue and it is original music based on blues and jazz (a Memphis Classic). The hornline is close to full, as well as guard and percussion. Much bigger than last year. This was the first hornline of the night that had a great, full and balanced sound. There was a little bit of phasing from brass to drums in the ballad but it was quickly recovered. The hornline made it from top of the show to bottom with no tired brass sounds! I really like this group and I think we can plan on them going somewhere! Also, a girl in the guard hit herself and her nose began to bleed alot during the show. She kept on performing all the way through the rest of the show! Kudos to her! INTERMISSION-AND THE RAIN BEGAN! (DRIZZELY, NOT POURING) Southwind When they stepped on the field everyone was expecting the Troopers because Troopers were listed first in the program. No one recognized Southwind in the in new uni's. They look like the old Glassmen uni's from 2002. I really wish they would have stuck with yellow. The new uniform has almost no yellow in it, except a little goldish yellow on the chest. Anyway...Southwind has really grown on me in the past few years. The music in the show is from the movie, "The Mummy". I really liked it! The guard is fun and the horns are alot tighter than last year at this point. Despite the now rainy weather, the guard caught almost every toss. I really like this show but I don't see it making semi-finals this year. I hope they surprise me! Troopers Everyone has to love the Troopers. This was one of my favorites of the night. This show combines alot of old and new and really gets the crowd into it. Old muisc, new music, old school drill, and new styled drill, high mark times, and Troopers marching style, this is a show you won't forget. Also, the rifle line is awesome! Really cool work, and I didn;t see one drop despite the rain. Troopers even bring out an old snare drum at one point in show and it really created a great nostalgic moment. The closer was excellent and the horns got louder and louder with a relatively good sound. Just when you think the show is over, the music of taps is quietly herad as a slow ending brings the show to a halt. I really liked these guys! This is a must see. Made me want to buy a Troopers Hat! Sorry, no money. Madison Scouts One thing I can say about the Scouts is that they perform RAIN OR SHINE. These guys performed like they never knew it was raining! The drill this year is so much cleaner than it was even at Mid season last year. Difficulty wise, it is about on the same level as last year, with typical scouts horn flases, random 4 count jazz runs, and silent rifle hits. The hornline is defintely louder and tighter than it has been in years. Malaga is excellent and I was still singing in the car despite Phantom's great show. The guard has bumped it up and notch and is not doing the easy work like the last two years. I think this show is really great but I do not see the Scouts moving up any higher than last years position. Maybe one place at best. Phantom Regiment This hornline and drumline are even better than last year. Apasionada 874 is beautiful and is played with passion. The guard outfits are a bit strange. They are gold and tan leggings, some, tights, and fringe, flowers behind the ears, and random skirts and tops. I like Phantoms gurad because you can tell they are really into the show. Back to the guard uni's...I think they are a little distracted but I think people will learn to like them. This show is not quite as entertaining as the 2003 show but quality of sound from the hornline is better and louder. The drill is definitely up quite a few notches and is pretty cool! From a design point, probably the best visual show in years! Some parts of the show are a little slow, but the horline plays so well you easily forget this. I do not see Phantom moving up from last years position. I think they will end up most likely in 5th behind SCV. Well, off to sleep. I hope everyone enjoyed the review. Got any questions, just post them.
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