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Everything posted by scott414

  1. 1980... what a corps the bridgemen had that year!!!!!
  2. Thats when I could afford to attend DCI.......
  3. Sweet... Hit the nail right on the head!!!!! Describes my experience with drum corps too! Thanks
  4. Drum corps as i remember it........... sorta reminds me of the NJ VFW and American Legion shows in wildwood, NJ. I remember being on the ready line waiting to be inspected at 0530....
  5. Where's my corps?? Cranford Patriots........... 3 time Garden State Circuit champions.. :)
  6. Is that the scouts in the background?? I'd hate to be the corps that had to follow scv and the bottle dance...
  7. Kelly's was a personal favorite......... many corps stopped and "serenaded " the crowd in front of kelly's. always remember bucky swan holding court there.... :)
  8. Maxwell field, the boardwalk, VFW and Legion parades, Kelly's, and drum corps........ gotta love wildwood nj !
  9. Air conditioning on the busses???? Whats that??? we opened the windows.....in the school busses we called our own!!
  10. OOPs, I thought that I posted this in the General Corps discussion area??? How can I move this?
  11. When does DCI release the touring schedules of each corps???? Do the corps have any input to which shows they are in on the road to foxsboro?
  12. 3 favorites for me; Any Garden State Circuit show The World Open NJ VFW/Legion Shows at Maxwell Field, Wildwood, NJ........
  13. MEatloaf- Paradise by the dashboard light.... with Phil "Scooter" Rizzuto accompanying.......
  14. Back in my day it was the good old golden arches........
  15. MY favorite; Emerald Grenadears from Rockaway, NJ..... Lots of sweeties there!
  16. Id bring back the "Garden State Circuit" and all the corps that marched there. Some pretty good corps, and some good rivalries too.........
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