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Jeff Ream

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Everything posted by Jeff Ream

  1. well...let's just say i doubt that they will want to change the power structure they want to set up once they have it. would you? they're already #####ing about having to cut the pie 23 ways. so they pare it down to 7. now an 8th is ready to come on board? yeah right, they'll be welcomed with open arms. and if you believe that, I have swamp land on RAMD to sell you
  2. I'm going to cry foul Howdy. Many of your past posts on RAMD screamed for discrimination of certain types of folks in life. many of those folks you screamed about participate in drum corps.
  3. and we've seen fewer places for them to march over the years...so how do you propose this will help get more money for more kids to march more places?
  4. and thus, making sure no one else gets to join this group. say I'm Madison and I vault to 6th, then 3rd, then 1st. big deal, they're still shut out
  5. many of us place enertainment instead. in fact, last year i liked more of the non G7 corps than the G7 corps.
  6. only if each of those corps goes to 300 members, because this will hurt corps locked out
  7. oh so the "legacy top 7" gotcha. so much more fair to all
  8. yes and under this structure, we'll get to see fewer of them
  9. lose lose. because of the way DCi has marketed nothing but the big guns, any show not featuring them is ####ed.
  10. here's what I prpose...in a down economy, you dont make power plays to get even more money and shut others out.
  11. my guess is this is something that should have been presented to all to vote on before ht e super board made the final decision
  12. true. and there has been fan backlash. my giving has reduced drastically since pre amp voting. yes iI have gone back, but, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...#### you
  13. except that their model will most likely pare it down to G7...or G6...or G5. and there will be fan backlash
  14. the problem is if you go to any DCI shows this summer, those corps still get some of that. and if you dont go to any, none of the corps get any. if this goes thru, i'm done with going to finals even in non Indy years if there are any. I will not go to any G7 corps, and all have been emailed to tell them i will be taken off their email lists if this goes thru. Then again, I have told YEA to remove me from their list 20 times and they still send me stuff...maybe if he saved that postage on his fliers he wastes on me, he could put it back into his corps
  15. i wonder what doe sindeed happen this year if a few dont make the top 7. will it then be G5+2 others?
  16. in this economy, you can look for all the revenue you want, it's not gonna happen. Look if we were in a boom time and this happened, I could see it. But given that the economy sucks and isnt going to get better for anyone that doesnt have millions invested on Wall Street for a while, this is pure ####### robbery.
  17. Sunrises too I believe. Steve Gadd marched with the Rochester Cursaders as well
  18. so, it's either we cave to them, or have nothing. that is a ####### lousy way to look at it.
  19. I am glad they admit to be open and honest. but...it does sound like they are at least partially on board.
  20. if there is significant enough backlash, some of them may be hurting anyways. I know for one, even if given a free ticket I would not attend a G7 show
  21. I dont either. However, i wanted to hear what the non voters may have to say. I'm telling you, the loudest echo in Indy m,ay be the appluse for the no votes and Dan
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