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Everything posted by SourceTags8Codes

  1. if i remember correctly marimba da amore is a amazing piece by keiko abe Ultramatum (i butchered that) Polaris (Mark Fork) October Night - Micheal Burrit Rosauro,N Cenas Amerindias and other things, and every one should learn yellow after the rain. Basically its known as the piece everybody has played to get into a percussion studio at college
  2. its was a bow on the gong, commonly its a bow from a sting instrument and used in other pieces for effects like Laboring Songs
  3. traditonal grip is alot easier to play when you have tilted sanre, like scv. The egronomic for the grip is easier to use than the normal way
  4. the only problem with them using pro mark stick and mallets is the mallets are very limited to their selection. The reason why their pit uses yamaha, probly beacuse their acoustilon series, the bars tend to be alot louder than adams systhetic bars, i mean i hate to say it but its true
  5. i agree cadets that cadets deserve the title. but they had one little tear during the end of the second movement plus i would be against bd winning the fred sanford award. They were just dirty this year. the alternating 16ths plus the pit was bad and the right side facing us of the sanre line attacked early so yeah
  6. bass requires so much listening plus its kinda harder to practice if your by yourself. Like the whole snare line 99.9% of the time plays the same part so you could hear bass like its like must listen all the time
  7. first we take off all the keys and roll them up in the cases neatly then we just take the frame and put on frame one by one in and strao then to the hooks on the wall we have lots of hook and straps so nothing can move its like we have scv trailer but not as good
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