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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. Then don't try and sell it as an anti-amped-voice petition only. IMO that is false advertising. Mike
  2. Last year at the two shows I attended the voices were in balance with the rest. This year, the Cadets voice work needs to get better, balance and clarity-wise, IMO. I'm sure they'll get it right down the road. Too bad...voice is legal, and a few will use it as they see fit. Notice that the corps that are using it changes this year from last. It's an option. And..the use appears to be quite short. That is your right. There have been lots of spots in various shows I've hated over the years, even in some of my favorite corps. Doesn't mean I'll abandon them just because 30 or 40 seconds, or even a mnute is not my favorite parts of their shows. But that is just me. I gave you reasons for amps. You choose not to like the very idea, so no matter what anyone says you will never agree...that's your right. Mike
  3. No it doesn't....because to continue to use my analogy, just because I might not have liked a bit of a show doesn't mean that everyone else agreed with me (though of course they should, just on general principles :) ). Unless I have been hired to design a show, it's not up to me to mandate what the show should contain. I just react either up or down to what is presented. Mike
  4. Then why does your petition have this phrase... Which is followed by this one... Equipment utilized is up to each corps, be it horns, percussion, guard, or amps. IMO corps that can purchase a nice new set of horns gets a bigger "hit" than merely adding an amp to mic the pit...and they cost a lot more. I don't see you making a demand that all corps be given a set of new horns "equally"...and that is FAR more expensive than amps. Mike
  5. There are lots of shows over history that I have liked overall, yet was not "thrilled" with this or that portion. Doesn't mean it should be illegal. Mike
  6. Sorry, but amps are a done deal....and there are not 'more and more' railing against them in large numbers. Using DCP as a barometer of the average show attendee is, as it was last year, not remotely accurate...IMO The corps at Giant's Stadium that go the largest crowd reaction was the only one with spoken voice...the Cadets. Mike
  7. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bad. He asked for reasons and I gave him two. Whether you or he or I like the very idea is besides the point...those are our own opinions. Miccing voice does permit the things I mentioned. Mike
  8. What is a 'concrete' argument in something as subjective as this? One argument in favor of it...it makes it possible to balance the already legal use of a human voice against the rest of the corps. Another...it makes the addition of narration and other spoken dialogue feasible. It was already legal. Mike
  9. Of course, it may have been due to the presence of your...er...assistants Vinnie "No Amps" Gavone and Joey "Tone Deaf" Parmesano. :P Mike
  10. I agree with mama....I'm closing the thread...it's gone far afield from being a review..... Mike
  11. Well, IMO you ARE a "crazy old pharte"...though a respectful one... :P ...and half my age, or less. :( Mike
  12. How about...take out the pit, you are great without them...or...tape down the third valve, you're great without it. I'd hardly call that a compliment, IMO. Mike
  13. Up to the mid 70's... The same thing could have been said about the use of mallet instruments. Or moving from valve/rotor to two-valve horns... Or permitting corps to start and end anywhere they want on the field. You can always say "up to year X we were fine without Y" about any change in the rules. Because the concept of "better" and "enhanced" is a purely subjective concept. Some people might like a beautiful Monet painting while others prefer "Dogs Playing Poker". :) Mike
  14. see if I ever stick up for YOU again! :P I never said one-for-one that kids buy more...IMO the totality of the kids who attend by the busloads who each buy some stuff equals or surpasses the relatively few legacy fans who talk about how they want to stop buying stuff. Mike
  15. You could make that claim when ANYTHING was added to drum corps...be it 2-valves, 3-valves, timpani, mallets...etc... However, in the case of merely amping something that already exists, it's the consequence is far less than the earlier ones, IMO. Corps do not have to use amps...works just fine for Regiment. Changes roll themselves out over time...it's always been that way. You would have to ask them. My guess is that those who voted yes think that at some point they might want to use amps...or do not think they are a big deal in the scheme of things as far as your assertion of competitive advantage. Mike
  16. Nope...that is not the point...the point is that the busloads of band kids each spending whatever they spend will equal or surpass the fewer legacy fans who spend more per capita. That is MHO. You may disagree, no prob, I'd prefer to see both, but if legacy fans decide to stop buying stuff, IMO the busloads will more than cover it. BTW...I see lots of legacy fans still buying stuff. Mike
  17. Well, IMO statements like this are indeed attacking my veracity as a poster... "the bottom line here is that you are just spinning fiction. " "You spew statements and sentences with no facts or stats to back them up " "any response without a fact is a waste of bandwidth, not even your personal opinion, just mere specualtion, simple as that. " "To think these kids even equal the monetary output as those like me is another well written piece of fiction. Again, to just say it isnt even worthy of the label of speculation" Mike
  18. It's MHO as a person who has worked with bands since 1971...and has seen the kind of $$$ parents spend on their kids in lots of ways..including drum corps shows. I see them at souvie stands at corps shows and at band shows. There were 800 band kids I believe at the YEA! show this past Friday as part of the Music is Cool event. If each had $20 thats $16K in sales right there. Have I collected their receipts? No, of course not. It's just MHO as a participant and observer for well over 30 years. You don't have to accept what I say...your experience may be different. This has been my experience....parents will do without themselves so their kids can have more. Mike
  19. :lolhit: Mike, MAA/EMBA judge for a lot of years....
  20. Is this THE Duke Cornwell, of Lenape HS fame? :) Best of luck...I did not know you were with Cavalcade now... Mike Davis, West Windsor-Plainsboro HS South wind/percussion arranger and instructor, and a judge for a lot of years....
  21. How do I know they show up by the busload? Well, at shows I've attended they announce the bands in attendance i between corps. I've seen the school busses in the parking lots. I've seen the kids flocking to the souvie stands. As parent and as a person who has worked with bands for 34 years, I know the bands in the area I live, and I know the demographics of the towns. Do I have receipts from these kids? Of course not. I know that in MY case my daughter has made all sorts of purchases, far more than dad. It's just the way parenting works...parents sacrifice for their kids. I am being realistic. Feel free to dismiss my opinion. It's your right. It is not your right on DCP to attack me personally, and IMO you are either close to the line or over it with the above. Mike
  22. Yes, I see some of the names...Cocken Balles, Come Stainos, Seaman Seaman, Gladhe Ator, Buster Hymen, Pat McGroin, Phil McCrackin, peter gozinya. Then there are those who did not sign their names...AnaheimAlumni, I hate things unless they're my way, sex, lauren, Joe, sarah, Kayla, Ann, Emily C. That's 17 right there. NO, you have shown me your opinion, not facts, of anything. You can pretend it "irritates" more and more, though I guess if a few get irritated you are technically right. Disagree. Instructors have been looking for amps long before the BOD approved them. Are these people some of those you think have no creativity? Tom Aungst? Neil Larrivee? Scott Johnson? Mike Nevin? Jim Bailey? Mike McIntosh? Tom Rarick? Murray Gusseck? Mike
  23. One single kid? Probably not. Plus, from reading what you posted, the video/CD total has been spent over time, not all in a single year. Band kids come to these shows by the busloads, with pockets full of $$$ from their parents. Overall, IMO they do indeed spend that much money and even more. Mike
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