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Everything posted by mhilton777

  1. Am I missing something here? Didn't the 2006 Phantom show have a Co-Ed guard?
  2. I actually helped my neighbor install a biodiesel setup in his garage last week. It was relatively simple to do and only cost him about $800 total. We made the first batch last weekend and it really didn't take a lot of time and he was able to fill up his F350 Supercrew with one batch. He calculated that it cost him about $0.75/gallon to make which is FAR better than the $3.15 that Diesel is going for here in the Twin Cities. The first 5 fillups of his truck will pay for the setup. Almost makes me want to buy a diesel!
  3. Hey Poodle, It's been a REALLY long time! I can certainly attest to the 1994 line being pretty loud. I remember times in horn arc that it just downright hurt to stand across from them! And who knows who it really was that overblew, but it's a moment we'll all remember!
  4. I thought I remembered Bouton telling me it was Poodle too. Maybe I'm wrong and hopefully Poodle can jump on and tell us the real story. It was 12 years ago, so who knows if my memory is correct! Mathew M. Hilton
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