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Everything posted by walshinsurance

  1. Here they are!http://s949.photobucket.com/albums/ad334/w...ss%20Rehearsal/
  2. I have a few pics I need to get on the site....how do I go about doing this? I tried to copy and paste with no luck. Thank you.
  3. While I get that....and would maybe like to see some red as well....the "little scout" look really works for me. I saw them in Bloomington tonight....and just when you think...."young boy scouts"....they pretty much hit you in the face with a sound that is nothing "little scout-like" at all. So....I think it will please you more than you think....and maybe that's what the staff is shooting for. The tubas are a great touch!
  4. I will be there....and will take pics. As long as it's legal and all, I will post as soon as possible.
  5. I remember the 1982 version better...during a dress rehearsal in Whitewater. If I remember correctly, the Cavies were there as well. The Scouts initial move...with the snap horn move aiming to the ground...just prior to the start of Slaughter. Man....that move...and then the sound of the first grouping of notes....power city.....I hope the Scouts pull off that level of excitement for 2010! Probably need to get the spats back!
  6. If by multiple you mean 2 years...then I am ok with that. I don't think it will take any longer then 2 years. They were much better musically this year...at least ability-wise...so it is not like they are starting from scratch. I think top 10 this year....top 6 next...probably 6th....but that works for me.
  7. Agreed....they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't feel they (Scouts) had their financial act together. Great moves...and great for recruiting!
  8. So, it's starting to sound like.... "Madison Star of Indiana Scouts, you may take the field....." I am cool wht that!
  9. This is a major step in the right direction! Can't wait for 2010!
  10. 2010....pretty much the reason I started the thread. Obviously can't change the past...but can certainly have a positive effect on the future. The gripes of the past...while real and still current to some...need to stay in the past. I assume Scouts' management, directors, etc., have a pretty good idea as to where things need to go down the road. I guess if I have a current gripe...I would relate to the Scouts' Website. I have said it before...and I will say it again...they need to pilfer the Blue Devils site. That would work for me.
  11. Elephant ears are cool! The powdered sugar....mmmmmmmmm
  12. True...I rather liked most of this year's music...a lot more exciting than the last 2 years...IMO. Drillwise...not so much. I do, as well, get the feeling that the Scouts will be in fine shape next year.
  13. This was my thougth as well...in some of my prior posts. One would think the board of directors and the like would have had an idea of salaries, etc....could have dealt with things earlier...as in try to make more money. On to the present...I wish the Scouts' website was more like BD. BD is doing a great job selling audio clips, CD's... Scouts could certainly us that vehicle as a great money making opportunity.
  14. That was a really cool show...I think Phantom did something like that a few years prior.
  15. Since the last thread got pulled...and their website appears to no longer have a forum...I wanted to at least keep them in the discussion. Any thoughts on next year?
  16. I think the dead horse has been beaten into the ground at this point....and enough of the over-hyped angst already. Kids/young adults do stupid things...and often. It always takes two to tango...and I expect that to be the case here. So, enough already. The Scouts will take care of this issue one way or the other. They are doing the classy thing by not taking matters public.
  17. This look, alone, probably would have landed the Scouts in finals this year. I am confident they will be back in the mix next year...and not just for 12th either.
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