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Everything posted by stanstill2001

  1. Thanks for the king words. I was just honored to play at an event like this and the bonus was that whole line was friggen smokin. I cant wait for NOLA !!!!! Great concert.... Great cause...... Great people !!!! Thanks for having me join in. Scott (aka Stanstill) Stansfield P.S Jim i know your a drill guy and your ear is off just a little and not to toot my one horn but i hit double B's too hehe!!!!!
  2. I have 2 Kanstul G Bugle Sops 5 DCA titles between the two. As of now i don't plan on marching again so Pm me and we'll talk Scott Stansfield
  3. Come on i liked the sleet and snow drill days !!!!! Go BRIGS !!!!!
  4. I have a gig in Gettysburg Pa. With the Colgan Hirsch Band Good Pay and Free drinks and hotel Room. Sorry not exciting but thats almost every New Years eve for me. Oh by the way i hope your drinking chops ready for the next camp I might be Driving up for a visit. :mmm:
  5. Shiiiiii, If I could find the rest of the Baltimore crew I might put the bus back together for this show !!!!!
  6. Let's hope he learns his lesson on being a big boy and following through on a committment on some folly such as drum corps and isn't as flaky with his job. The consequences are far more dire than just not being able to go to a marching competition. He didn't because he did it to a corps last year also and didn't make it threw the season !!!!
  7. GO BRIGS I see some great numbers form the show this weekend keep it up. Be the B !!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Well I agree with everything Shawn said except for the last sentence " a productive member of society " When did this happen ??? For real this a special group to work with and they treat you very well if I could I would jump on the opportunity to teach there again. Jeff if things work out i'll call you !!!
  9. You don't know how I feel here in Baltimore Having nothing to do but Golf and Coach my son's Baseball team. I am putting some drum corps energy into my big band and Prime Time Brass but in no way is it filling the Void. I am doing everything possible to stay away from drumcorps because I'm afraid that I will get sucked back in. I miss you and all the brigs very much and I wish this year never happened and we could all go back to the way things were a few years ago. I'm sure in time this will pass I hope !!!!!!! but what we had and who we were will never go away Thats what i miss the most is my friends the long drives the long nights at the bar the crazyness after the bar. It can never be erased!!!!
  10. Andre, Thanks for helping out with the parade Sorry Shawn,Mark, and I coudn't make it. Hope all wen't well !!!! What kind of cheerleaders did you have ??? Need info ! :sshh:
  11. Man here we go again "were puttin the Band back together" !!!!!!
  12. Great weekend thanks again i had a blast. We made it back to Bmore in 5.5 hrs and there were no police chases this weekend..... Just kiddin. DA Great charts were diggin them. See you all in Baltimore in April !!!!
  13. Thanks Brigs for a wonderful season I will miss you all dearly... till the Banquet!!! Thanks to the Support staff and the Teaching Staff and all my New and old Brigs Family. To the Jr corps People Ryan, Collin, Paula, and well Damon!! I commend you in your efforts to fill the last few holes you worked hard and it lifted my spirits to see the full Brigs line again. This season will not be forgotten and did I say I will miss you all very much. Best wishes go out to all my friends in DCA (too many to name) on a successful season for DCA and the Fans. I would Like to say congratulations to Buccs on their well deserved win, hold that feeling deep in your heart you can never replace it and I can’t wait to see your performance on DVD.
  14. Dude Chill you are taking this way out of text .... and as far as i see no one was corps bashing till you jumped in .
  16. I am going to leave my shoes on the field this year. I know I said it last year but this is it for me. I joined Brigs after a serious car accident in December 2000 never thinking I would be able to walk properly again. I was told no matter what they would have a spot for me at Brigs. Well I went to my first rehearsal taking a train to Philly then riding with Mello Jen leaving my crutches at my house to kind of hide how bad the injury to my foot actually was. Just hearing Brigs play that day and seeing the talent and well old friends in the line I knew I had to march again. Thanks to the Staff, Members, Friends, and yes the drill writer Rick Morey I have been able to stay on the field for the last 5 seasons. I am tired and sore and as much as I love the Brigs and knowing I would never march anywhere else. I decided going into this year that it was really going to be my last. I have already made commitments to my son for next year. I am going to be one of 4 coaches for his baseball travel team next summer; well they will start in December with tryouts. So I have no way of backing out and marching at least for next year. I want to thank every one at Brigs for everything they have done for me and well the rest of the Baltimore crew. Their hospitality, Love, and strength are the only things that kept me going every summer driving hour after hour. I will miss that very much!! There are 4 more weeks to go and I will cherish every minuet of it. For those of you that don't know this is what being the B is all about !! Thank you Brigs !!
  17. Just wanted to say i had a great weekend and all we need to do is keep up what we are doing 1 2 3 Brigs !!!!!!
  18. :devin: Why is it the the word strippers makes people think about me ??????
  19. It is a good time!! I'll be there hopefully i will have time to work with the Midshipmen this season thats the plan anyway GO NAVY !!!!
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