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OK, I've tried for several days to click on recent posts with the new format (folder tree if you will) and keep getting a "Sorry Error Message". This am I went into the 1972 thread and clicked on posts from yesterday and again I get the same error message. I'm logged in as always but still have this problem.

I did e-mail the admin for DCP or their support staff, but have not heard back.

Maybe everyone's up in Rochester. Jami?

Anyone else having this problem, or know what's up with the new format?

And, while writing this, I realize I probably will not be able to click on and read any replys to my post.

Oh well..................

Here's a copy/paste of the error message:

Board Message

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.

Edited by gsksun4
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OK, I've tried for several days to click on recent posts with the new format (folder tree if you will) and keep getting a "Sorry Error Message". This am I went into the 1972 thread and clicked on posts from yesterday and again I get the same error message. I'm logged in as always but still have this problem.

I did e-mail the admin for DCP or their support staff, but have not heard back.

Maybe everyone's up in Rochester. Jami?

Anyone else having this problem, or know what's up with the new format?

And, while writing this, I realize I probably will not be able to click on and read any replys to my post.

Oh well..................

Here's a copy/paste of the error message:

Board Message

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again.

I have become frustrated with the same thing....it's been tough to read DCP this week. Hopefully, someone...anyone...can help.


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Thanks for the reply Judy. For some strange reason, I can view the older posts, but not the most recent one's.

I'm surprised I could get to this one.

The new format I speak of is the folder tree with the posts compressed and listed by date. You view the tree and click on the post. No luck on the new posts as of yet.

Anothet person posted on this and I'll try to view what they wrote.

Thanks again for your response.

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A new format???

DCP looks the same to me as it has for a long time.

wondering if you are accessing via low speed portal?

Well John, it seems to be working here now. I'm able to read you. I haven't changed anything portal wise etc.

The new look I see, is that all the posts are compressed and don't show all that is written when you scroll through a thread. There's like a folder tree with the posters ID and a link to their post to click and read. Only thing is, when you click on anything posted within the past day or so, in comes the error message. Sorry to have to spell this all out like this, I know it's boring

One thing with old age setting in though, I did forget how to "QUOTE" here. My HTML skills are not up to speed.

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Well John, it seems to be working here now. I'm able to read you. I haven't changed anything portal wise etc.

The new look I see, is that all the posts are compressed and don't show all that is written when you scroll through a thread. There's like a folder tree with the posters ID and a link to their post to click and read. Only thing is, when you click on anything posted within the past day or so, in comes the error message. Sorry to have to spell this all out like this, I know it's boring

One thing with old age setting in though, I did forget how to "QUOTE" here. My HTML skills are not up to speed.

This is EXACTLY what has been happening to me. I've always had the posts listed..full text,,,this week, I am getting the "tree" version you described. I can get the first few messages, then when I try to go onto the next page and click onto another post, I receive the same error message as you have been getting. Very limited with my computer knowledge, I've asked my kids, and they responded, the newsgroup has created a new page set up, which could be true, just wish I could figure out how to access all responses.

Needing any kind of help in NC.

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Okay - I'm fishing here because I am sure John D or someone else can fix this in a second, and I don't have a clue:


at the top of the thread (any thread) in the blue heading you will see an "options' button - make sure you are viewing in 'standard' mode and not "outline" in the Display Modes.

don't know why it would have been changed, but that is the only way I can recreate what I think you are seeing.

Edited by lipsprain
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Okay - I'm fishing here because I am sure John D or someone else can fix this in a second, and I don't have a clue:


at the top of the thread (any thread) in the blue heading you will see an "options' button - make sure you are viewing in 'standard' mode and not "outline" in the Display Modes.

don't know why it would have been changed, but that is the only way I can recreate what I think you are seeing.


Thank you for your help. Went checked, changed and NOW my DCP format is back to normal, no more "tree" formats.

Thanks again,


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