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Should DCI be allowed to edit Finals DVD's?

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and those should be called or emailed into DCI...the "offending entity"

but who am I to stop a parade. Continue complaining. And by the way, if this is the only thing we can think of to complain about...DCI is doing a really great job!

Really, Tom, what's the big deal?

You've posted on all kinds of threads about what DCI could do to better promote/grow Div II/III (Open Class) corps, about changes in business practices for corps, about all kinds of things that one could just as easily say, "why are you wasting bandwidth -- write to DCI and stop wasting your time here"

And where does it say that this is the "only thing" we're talking about? Last I checked, there are lots and lots of dissimilar, active threads. This is but one. Should we always only discuss the most important item and leave all the rest to smoulder?

Personally, I don't think that I'm "complaining" about anything in this thread. The question is a good theoretical one about what editing parameters do we think DCI should employ. If the topic doesn't interest you, then find another -- there are tons of topics that I don't care about, but that doesn't mean that I think they are a "waste of bandwidth".

:spitting: (Sorry -- I'll come down now .... :laughing: )

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Really, Tom, what's the big deal?

You've posted on all kinds of threads about what DCI could do to better promote/grow Div II/III (Open Class) corps, about changes in business practices for corps, about all kinds of things that one could just as easily say, "why are you wasting bandwidth -- write to DCI and stop wasting your time here"

And where does it say that this is the "only thing" we're talking about? Last I checked, there are lots and lots of dissimilar, active threads. This is but one. Should we always only discuss the most important item and leave all the rest to smoulder?

Personally, I don't think that I'm "complaining" about anything in this thread. The question is a good theoretical one about what editing parameters do we think DCI should employ. If the topic doesn't interest you, then find another -- there are tons of topics that I don't care about, but that doesn't mean that I think they are a "waste of bandwidth".

:spitting: (Sorry -- I'll come down now .... :laughing: )

ok...I deserved that...and the wet noodle treatment as well.

But I'm supposed to be the leader of the Buzzkill Alpha Squadron

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If the mistake is so great as to seriously distract from the enjoyment of the multi-cam and cannot be avoided then DCI should take action to alter the performance. A major frack is an example. They are very interested in making their DVD product be representative of the typical product.

This is not an historical record, it is entertainment. Keeping it as close to historically accurate as possible is good, but not required. Should they keep the buzzing lights in there since that represents reality or filter them out? What about the "Melissa" banner tow plane noise? Would that stay if it was on the DVD? How far do you want this to go?

I guess I see your point, here. It comes down to what someone else said earlier -- what is the purpose of these dvd's -- historical record or entertainment vehicle? Part of the "entertainment" portion is the competition, so should there not be some level of integrity shown towards the competitive outcome and what may have affected it. Otherwise, why not film the corps in a controlled environment with multiple takes to get the best possible showing of each corps and then compile that into a dvd for sale.

I realize this isn't THAT big of a deal, and I'm okay wih it either way really -- but if they're going to present the dvd as the Championship show, then it should be presented as such -- as if you were there. You don't see everything when you're sitting in the stands, so camera angle selections and such are valid, but you certainly can't substitute a previous performance onto the field in front of you!!! :spitting:

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...but if they're going to present the dvd as the Championship show, then it should be presented as such...

But it isn't being presented as the Championship Finals show. It's being presented as the "Drum Corps International 2007 World Championships Volume 1," at least on the DVDs themselves.

Okay, I'm sounding like a broken record now. :)

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Editing is nothing new for drum corps. What year was it that on the cd's that a sop from BD fracked and they put in the semi-finals performance?

BTW, aren't principals the new name for corps directors now?? :spitting:

I was wondering when someone would catch on to the principle/principal conundrum. :) Being that the post I was responding to spelled the word "pricipal," I was having fun with that. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I could go back and edit it out, but I don't want a new thread to start over that. :) :) :)

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I don' own the 1980 DVD, but the Bridgemen have a dancer fall down at the end of "Big Noise From Winnetka," and two horn plyers back into each other near the end of North Star's performance. I'm assuming those are still there? And still funny?

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I was wondering when someone would catch on to the principle/principal conundrum. :) Being that the post I was responding to spelled the word "pricipal," I was having fun with that. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I could go back and edit it out, but I don't want a new thread to start over that. :) :) :)

I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT -- I did miss the "n" on a typo, but I spelled it "priciple". Clearly a typo and not the wrong use of the word !!!!!

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But it isn't being presented as the Championship Finals show. It's being presented as the "Drum Corps International 2007 World Championships Volume 1," at least on the DVDs themselves.

Okay, I'm sounding like a broken record now. :)

Fair enough point.

edit -- but see 2 posts below .... :spitting:

Edited by Liam
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If this weren't a competitive activity, then I'd say edit away. However, would ESPN edit someone falling off the balance beam or dropping from the rings in a competitive situation? I don't think so. Because this IS competition, IMO, the finals performance should be presented Exactly as is, mistakes and all. If you fall off the rings, you don't (or shouldn't anyway) get a ten. And yes, Tom is correct about the "head snap theory" and the Warren Comm. The film was altered. :spitting:

Edited by oldtimedrummer
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I know the DVDs are represented on their own packaging as Championships, but they are advertised as Finals on the only place one can order a brand new copy (short of eBay or receiving it as a gift). If we were going by the packaging alone, Michael, you'd have us all beaten hands down, but the simple fact is that DCI is telling you it's the Finals performance before you ever order the thing. Right from the outset you're being misled.


http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/8133/finalsdvdao6.jpg just in case

EDIT: I misspelled "misled" :p

Edited by Nex
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