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Arizona Academy to go indoors

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I'm with you on this one bro. Last season we heard a lot of rude comments from Academy when they came in 13th on quarterfinals night. It seems to me that some of the members acted like they WERE the Blue Devils. It seems like that was the general attitude of the corps. However, I think that this will be a high quality, entertaining show and I WILL want to see the DVD.


If that's the case, then that's a shame. An attitude like that can only get you into trouble. It might be a product of their rapid success...but it's not like they didn't benefit from a couple of "gifts" last season (*ahem* San Antonio *ahem*).

You EARN Blue Devils status...

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Oh come on...why is there always a "I heard a member of _____ corps say something rude" comment with every corps? Give 'em a break, I'm sure that Spirit said some nasty things when they were beaten out by Academy at San Antonio. Both are world class organizations and should be treated as such, without baseless rumor web judgments.

Now, as for the indoor stuff, I would be very interested to see how this does affect their show quality...for better or for worse. I would think this would be the kind of thing that would be best for the off season to keep members in shape.

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If that's the case, then that's a shame. An attitude like that can only get you into trouble. It might be a product of their rapid success...but it's not like they didn't benefit from a couple of "gifts" last season (*ahem* San Antonio *ahem*).

You EARN Blue Devils status...

Yeah, way to talk down any negative comments that they might have said with your very own :thumbup:

You are right: if that's the case then that's a shame, but you fell right into the trap that you were complaining about.

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Yeah, way to talk down any negative comments that they might have said with your very own :thumbup:

You are right: if that's the case then that's a shame, but you fell right into the trap that you were complaining about.

Well, there's no need to re-hash all that. Anyone can do a search and find out what kind of a "dust up" it caused. I wasn't trying to talk them down, it was just controversial at the time. I can't, however, speak to any "alleged" nasty comments...

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Ding ding ding ding!! We have a winner!

Ya, this is pretty confusing. I mean, this is a corps who is trying to become a force in this activity and are doing a pretty good job of it. Why in the world would they want to devote any time to anything else that could potentially detract from that? Unless I'm missing something, I believe they are a D&BC first! If they slip up this season, EVERYONE is gonna "armchair quarterback" them to death on this one. I hope they know what they're doing.

And any comparison to BD on this is premature. How many championships does BD have? I rest my case.

Someone already mentioned this as a music education venture. I view it as more of a community support type of thing. That's how music education became a stable in the the United States in the 19th century; Lowell Mason took his ensembles out into the community. What does this have to do with the Academy? They're gaining support from an area that hasn't previously had a World Class Corps in their backyard. This performance can bring in more revenue and long term support of the drum and bugle corps. Much like Lowell Mason's approach, community support is one of the biggest ways to get kids involved in music and money into your program's pocket.

IMO, I think something like this logistically should be done during the off-season to maximize rehearsal time during the summer, but there are probably reasons for doing it during the summer that I don't know. I'd give the benefit the doubt :thumbup:

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I was actually going to mention that...that was 98, right? Was that the only year they did that?

And is there anywhere to find a video of that indoor show? Is BD selling it?

I remember it happening for two years. Someone from BD can supply the substantiating facts.

The year in Madison was 1999. I only know that because I remember the guard performed to "Living La Vida Loca," and a Googling of the song (something I never thought I would do) shows that it hit the tops in 1999.

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I heard from someone whose roommate lives next door to someone who marched in a high school band with a kid who marched in a corps that members of a second corps said something about a third corps that offended the members in the third corps. And after the members of that second corps said what they said, they took turns kicking a puppy that had walked over from the warm-up horn arc of the third corps. The members of the first corps were so offended when they heard about this, they turned over a bus chartered by the second corps. Members of the second corps then set fire to the equipment truck of the first corps. Members of the third corps responded by giving the drum major of the second corps a wedgie. I've heard that representatives of all three corps are appearing with Oprah in a show about how we can bring peace to the Middle East.

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Someone already mentioned this as a music education venture. I view it as more of a community support type of thing. That's how music education became a stable in the the United States in the 19th century; Lowell Mason took his ensembles out into the community. What does this have to do with the Academy? They're gaining support from an area that hasn't previously had a World Class Corps in their backyard. This performance can bring in more revenue and long term support of the drum and bugle corps. Much like Lowell Mason's approach, community support is one of the biggest ways to get kids involved in music and money into your program's pocket.

IMO, I think something like this logistically should be done during the off-season to maximize rehearsal time during the summer, but there are probably reasons for doing it during the summer that I don't know. I'd give the benefit the doubt :thumbup:

Oh, make no mistake...I'm not questioning their motives...only the timing. If you lose the ground you've gained in the past couple of years, then how has it benefited you? If you want to go be Star, then by all means go be Star. But if you're gonna be a top 12 corps, then focus your efforts on that. I mean, talk about a pretty ambitious move for a corps who has yet to make finals!

If they slide back to 15th, this will be a colossal bone-headed move. If they do this and make finals, then they prove that they're for real.

Edited by BigBadMadMan
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I hope we can all just wish the corps the best of luck with this venture. Anything that can possibly introduce new people to drum corps is good for all of us.

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I hope we can all just wish the corps the best of luck with this venture. Anything that can possibly introduce new people to drum corps is good for all of us.

I agree...and I do wish them luck. I just hope (for the love of everything that's holy) that this doesn't backfire.

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