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Rifles = Expultion?


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Absoltuely insane. . .Come on school admins, use some common sense here!?! It has to beg the question: What about colorguard rifles?

"'Young Marine' Faces Expulsion For Replica Rifles

"DENVER -- For Marie Morrow, the equipment left in the back seat of her car was for an upcoming competition. She said she never expected it would lead to her being suspended from school -- or possibly expelled.

"'I take responsibility, it was my mistake,' Morrow told 7NEWS. She left three drill team "practice" rifles in plain view of passing students last week.

Morrow, who says she has a 3.5 grade point average, is a member of the Douglas County Young Marines. She said she spins the practice rifles for the organization’s drill team"

Yes, folks, her competition blocks of wood, not unlike those the colorguards use, has led to idiotic school administrators trying to expel a future outstanding citizen. Good job, "educators." The rest of you are warned, especially if you live in Colorado.


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I'm printing this article and am going to file it. I'm teaching a high school that's new to competitive guard and plan on introducing weapons to them next season. With everything else that's happened in my introductory season, I'm salivating to find out if something like this happens next season.

Good luck, Marie. I hope you understand that your school system, while protecting many, is being ridiculous by taking it this far.

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If you watch the video on the page of the linked article, they show the "rifles" that were in her car.

While one was like what we use in the colorguard realm, the other two were non-firing mockups of M1 Garands. They have an extended barrel and a "trigger". Even the one that looks like ours had a barel added to it.

I can underdstand seeing the M1 mockups and thinking they were real, and by the letter of the statute, she was wrong. But come on people, have a little common sense to understand what they are. These were not an attempt to scare people like she was going to go on a shooting rampage. They should have seen them, talked with her and said, "I understand. Don;t bring them again." Perhaps detention would be warranted, but to ruin her life by expelling her is definately not a case of the punishment fitting the "crime".

I know that since the days of Columbine I have had issues with administration over rifles mostly because they are called "rifles". At that school I called them props and had no more issues with them. Then it was another battle to allow sabres because "That looks just like the sword I carried as an officer while wearing my dress uniform!". That was a long fought battle! I guess there is a reason people becaome school administrators.

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This is B$%%#$%t!!!

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Good Lord! Just when you think you've seen and heard it all. . . . :thumbdown:

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Absoltuely insane. . .Come on school admins, use some common sense here!?! It has to beg the question: What about colorguard rifles?

"'Young Marine' Faces Expulsion For Replica Rifles

"DENVER -- For Marie Morrow, the equipment left in the back seat of her car was for an upcoming competition. She said she never expected it would lead to her being suspended from school -- or possibly expelled.

"'I take responsibility, it was my mistake,' Morrow told 7NEWS. She left three drill team "practice" rifles in plain view of passing students last week.

Morrow, who says she has a 3.5 grade point average, is a member of the Douglas County Young Marines. She said she spins the practice rifles for the organization’s drill team"

Yes, folks, her competition blocks of wood, not unlike those the colorguards use, has led to idiotic school administrators trying to expel a future outstanding citizen. Good job, "educators." The rest of you are warned, especially if you live in Colorado.


In a somewhat related subject...when Rosie O'Donnel had her talk show, BLAST! debuted on Broadway...Rosie was a huge Broadway supporter and often had the shows on her show and supported them.

The ONE show she would not mention or attend was BLAST! because they used rifles/sabres etc....same thinking as the people in Denver.

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If you watch the video on the page of the linked article, they show the "rifles" that were in her car.

While one was like what we use in the colorguard realm, the other two were non-firing mockups of M1 Garands. They have an extended barrel and a "trigger". Even the one that looks like ours had a barel added to it.

You would recognize it as a Garand mockup....so would I...a lot of people, however, would see the outline of even a prop rifle used in corps and freak out...understandable....but it DOES put them in the mindset to not listen to reality.

I can underdstand seeing the M1 mockups and thinking they were real, and by the letter of the statute, she was wrong. But come on people, have a little common sense to understand what they are. These were not an attempt to scare people like she was going to go on a shooting rampage. They should have seen them, talked with her and said, "I understand. Don;t bring them again." Perhaps detention would be warranted, but to ruin her life by expelling her is definately not a case of the punishment fitting the "crime".

Agreed...."zero tolerance" has often resulted in zero common sense.

I know that since the days of Columbine I have had issues with administration over rifles mostly because they are called "rifles". At that school I called them props and had no more issues with them. Then it was another battle to allow sabres because "That looks just like the sword I carried as an officer while wearing my dress uniform!". That was a long fought battle! I guess there is a reason people becaome school administrators.

Old saying....those tho can't do...teach......those who can't teach...administrate.

I guess the guys you were talking to didn't bother to see that there was no edge on the sabres?

Fencing has the same problem whenever someone tries to introduce it to school...admins hear "sword" and panic....sometimes refusing to back down even when you a) show them the blades (no edge...more like a radio antenna) or injury stats (2007 high school national stats....football 22% chance of injury....fencing? 0.09%)

In fact, I was going to give one guy some sabre lessons during Dream's lunchtime in 06, but Thom said he couldn't approve me doing so because it was a "weapon." not his choice...the school's...I wasn't willing to fight it because I might've cost the corps a rehearsal site.

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I think it's safe to say that 'zero tolerance' has gotten completely out of hand. . . .

There's also a discussion going on about this over at the BOA forums, I agree with what Henson said: It is the logical end of "zero tolerance" policies. For those of you who are educators, please explain to me just HOW exactly a zero tolerance policy teaches kids to think and reason for themselves? It seems to me that these rules actually excuse school administrators from thinking and reasoning.

Also, if you have a couple minutes there's another story below about an LD Bell student who was donating some of his grandmother's items to goodwill and evidently somewhere in the process and unknowingly to him, a butter knife fell out into the bed of his pickup, which led to his expultion. . .he was an honor's student, who was on the swim team with hopes of being an aeronautical engineer. Evidently the outcry was so loud, that it made national news. Here's that story


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Definately zero tolerance means zero thinking needed by administrators. If there is zero tolerance, there is no question and they dont have to make a judgement call. Talk about having an overpaid no brainer job. Yet we will continue to lay off teachers working in the classroom.

Ironic side note.....

As we talk about the zero tolerance of fake rifles, the banner ad that comes up on the bottom of this page is to buy Airsoft Guns at Airsplat.com.

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Definately zero tolerance means zero thinking needed by administrators. If there is zero tolerance, there is no question and they dont have to make a judgement call. Talk about having an overpaid no brainer job. Yet we will continue to lay off teachers working in the classroom.

Ironic side note.....

As we talk about the zero tolerance of fake rifles, the banner ad that comes up on the bottom of this page is to buy Airsoft Guns at Airsplat.com.

(insert Twilight Zone theme *here*)

It DOES certainly seem that the trend for the last couple of decades has been to shield anyone and everyone from any sort of responsibility or requirement of thought.

At the same time, they've been so concerned with shielding little Johnny and Jane from anything more disturbing than a papercut.....thus leaving an entire generation or more incapable of dealing with the real world.

I told a parent once -- with the band I was working with a couple of years back -- that I was not there to coddle her son...I was there to teach him (she objected because I kept resetting the band every time this kid missed a specific drill set....about half a dozen times....the first move in the show...made it CLEAR we were resetting because of him, and he kept treating it like a game). Figures, he was the one with the worst attitude...so bad, the director was glad when school was over and the kid graduated!

On the other hand, none of the parents of kids I teach fencing to say a word, even when we're hitting each other...

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