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Most people are saying it was the best GAS ever. It was truly a special weekend. I can not believe it was over in a flash all the preparations and planning for the event. Kuddos to Charlie Kammer and Larry Bourne who were instrumental in the planning and to all the Rebel wives who helped out to make the weekend a sucess. Joel are you out there reading this you have the gift for writting and summing it up. Help me out here.

And thank you for all the participants and the members of GAS who attended.

I would like to thank everyone for making this a great event :blink: had a great time. This was the first time for a lot of Kevins members, and we are looking forward to Lancaster next year.

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As per Dave Condon SEK's. With his permission to post.

----- Original Message -----

From: David Condon

To: drumcorpsofthe60san d70s@yahoogroups .com

Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 6:50 PM

Subject: Drum corps of the 60s and 70s: GETTYSBURG 2/3

As I was saying...... ......... ....,

Hello from FLO-RI-DUH! (Land of the hanging "chads").... ..

Just like Winny-The-Poo said " If the pig (Piglet) sneezes he's dead! I think the pig sneezed. Sat AM .... Got up feeling a little "under", but, this is Drum Corps so like the proverbial prom dress "Off I Went"......

With everyone wondering who was on next and when are we on... All you had to do was show up and sit at a table. There in the middle of each, was a schedule of events. (Rebs thought of everything). .. I have to beg forgivness here because I was making frequent rides on the "Porciline Motorcycle"

Resplendent in their Green White and Black, The Optimist's from Toronto put on a great opening show. Who is that guy? (soloist) Was the question being asked by everybody. The next ensemble was the "Silver Leaf's".... represinting Preston "Scout House", another pleasing performance. (Have to admit right here that I missed the marching of those Canadian's with the gams) ####!!! I wanted so much to see them. Proud? You bet!!!! With respect to the units that I missed I can recall getting back to the Main Ballroom to see "Archie's" Wow!! Clean, sweet and the "Lord And Master" too. Outstanding performance! !!!

Just a side note here. Bob Gaff, (on his motorized platform seemed to be everywhere)! As he exited the stage after Archie's performance, waving and with that great smile... one could only guess how much fun He was having.)

Another forced interlude and back just in time to see St. Kevin's Emerald Knights. I must admit a little preduice here, but. A big, powerful, colorful show was presented by our "Beantown Buddies" Outstanding Show!!!! Wow what a weekend!

Thank you for following this "fragmented" report....

It is incumbent to mention the "Twelve" shows put on by the "Terrific Three" ..... Bill Moor,(Sky) Tom Michtchowski, (?)(SKEK) and the aformentioned Bobby Gaff. ( Et. All) It seemed like whenever you looked up you saw one or two of them playing with the performing corps. Great Job Guy's!!!

Upstairs to the room for some "under the blanket time". Recovered in time to get back to the Main Ballroom for the "Grand Banquet". Grand it was, terriffic food, outstanding deserts and an oft-frequented bar..... Everyone resplendent in their finery. Once again, the reason for doing this became evident. An "Aural" performance by the lovely voices of "The Bon-Bon's" chorus elicited rousing response.

Then "Her Majesty" herself was escorted into the room as the DCAT Chorus put on the show of the night!!! In the dry British accented humor "She" had the audience in the palm of her hand. Outrageously humous she did a fifteen-minute skit that could only be delivered in that format of British dryness..... DCAT then entertained us with many familiar tunes, sung as only the way "Wyatt" (Their Director) could arrange. This young man gets "everything" out of his chorus and the audience. Kudos to our Brothers and Sisters from the north. (Which brings me to this point). I think it incumbent for all of us Americans to learn the words to "O CANADA" as they sing our National Anthem with pride and fervor. It is only right that we sing their National Anthem in kind.

Especially moving was the tribute to all of our "fallen" GAS bretheren this past year. Well done Yankee Rebels!!!! The display of the uniforms also brought back many memories. I happened to be in the hallway as they were assembeling, and to see each of these folks standing with pride as they were getting ready to present themselves. Especially pleasing was the gal from Audubon (She can still wear the uni.) My eye then caught "Louie" from LT Norman Prince standing tall waiting his turn.... I think were down to "The Final Four" Princemen God Bless them.

Well, off to Richmond in the morning after some Bacon, Egg's, Toast and coffee. Working my way South to Fl-Or-I- Duh!!!

Thanks for listening and "Mea-Culpa" to those of you who I missed. "KUDOS" to the tireless members of the Yankee Rebel's who made this possible.

Dave C.

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Thanks Bea and THANK YOU Dave! :blink:

dcot60sa70s Mod


As per Dave Condon SEK's. With his permission to post.

----- Original Message -----

From: David Condon

To: drumcorpsofthe60san d70s@yahoogroups .com

Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 6:50 PM

Subject: Drum corps of the 60s and 70s: GETTYSBURG 2/3

As I was saying...... ......... ....,

Hello from FLO-RI-DUH! (Land of the hanging "chads").... ..

Just like Winny-The-Poo said " If the pig (Piglet) sneezes he's dead! I think the pig sneezed. Sat AM .... Got up feeling a little "under", but, this is Drum Corps so like the proverbial prom dress "Off I Went"......

With everyone wondering who was on next and when are we on... All you had to do was show up and sit at a table. There in the middle of each, was a schedule of events. (Rebs thought of everything). .. I have to beg forgivness here because I was making frequent rides on the "Porciline Motorcycle"

Resplendent in their Green White and Black, The Optimist's from Toronto put on a great opening show. Who is that guy? (soloist) Was the question being asked by everybody. The next ensemble was the "Silver Leaf's".... represinting Preston "Scout House", another pleasing performance. (Have to admit right here that I missed the marching of those Canadian's with the gams) ####!!! I wanted so much to see them. Proud? You bet!!!! With respect to the units that I missed I can recall getting back to the Main Ballroom to see "Archie's" Wow!! Clean, sweet and the "Lord And Master" too. Outstanding performance! !!!

Just a side note here. Bob Gaff, (on his motorized platform seemed to be everywhere)! As he exited the stage after Archie's performance, waving and with that great smile... one could only guess how much fun He was having.)

Another forced interlude and back just in time to see St. Kevin's Emerald Knights. I must admit a little preduice here, but. A big, powerful, colorful show was presented by our "Beantown Buddies" Outstanding Show!!!! Wow what a weekend!

Thank you for following this "fragmented" report....

It is incumbent to mention the "Twelve" shows put on by the "Terrific Three" ..... Bill Moor,(Sky) Tom Michtchowski, (?)(SKEK) and the aformentioned Bobby Gaff. ( Et. All) It seemed like whenever you looked up you saw one or two of them playing with the performing corps. Great Job Guy's!!!

Upstairs to the room for some "under the blanket time". Recovered in time to get back to the Main Ballroom for the "Grand Banquet". Grand it was, terriffic food, outstanding deserts and an oft-frequented bar..... Everyone resplendent in their finery. Once again, the reason for doing this became evident. An "Aural" performance by the lovely voices of "The Bon-Bon's" chorus elicited rousing response.

Then "Her Majesty" herself was escorted into the room as the DCAT Chorus put on the show of the night!!! In the dry British accented humor "She" had the audience in the palm of her hand. Outrageously humous she did a fifteen-minute skit that could only be delivered in that format of British dryness..... DCAT then entertained us with many familiar tunes, sung as only the way "Wyatt" (Their Director) could arrange. This young man gets "everything" out of his chorus and the audience. Kudos to our Brothers and Sisters from the north. (Which brings me to this point). I think it incumbent for all of us Americans to learn the words to "O CANADA" as they sing our National Anthem with pride and fervor. It is only right that we sing their National Anthem in kind.

Especially moving was the tribute to all of our "fallen" GAS bretheren this past year. Well done Yankee Rebels!!!! The display of the uniforms also brought back many memories. I happened to be in the hallway as they were assembeling, and to see each of these folks standing with pride as they were getting ready to present themselves. Especially pleasing was the gal from Audubon (She can still wear the uni.) My eye then caught "Louie" from LT Norman Prince standing tall waiting his turn.... I think were down to "The Final Four" Princemen God Bless them.

Well, off to Richmond in the morning after some Bacon, Egg's, Toast and coffee. Working my way South to Fl-Or-I- Duh!!!

Thanks for listening and "Mea-Culpa" to those of you who I missed. "KUDOS" to the tireless members of the Yankee Rebel's who made this possible.

Dave C.

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