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TennTux last won the day on October 12 2015

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Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    Lynn Continentals, Lynn, Mass., 1963-1968 (Bari) Boston Crusaders, Boston, Mass., 1969 (Bari) The Renegades, Everett, Mass., 1970-1973 (Bari) CT.Hurricanes, Shelton, CT., 1974 (Rifle Line) L.I.Sunrisers, L.I.N.Y., 1975-1985 (DM) Reilly Raiders, Willow Grove, PA., 2010-1/2016 (Support Staff), Buccaneers Alumni, Reading PA., 6/2016-Present (Support Staff), "Crossmen Alumni & Friends - Play In The Park 2017" Fundraiser, Support Staff, Reading Buccaneers, Reading, PA, 2019 Honor Guard, Captain
  • Gender
  • Location
    Just North of the Mason Dixon
  • Interests
    Drum Corps
    Constitutional Freedoms
    Drum Corps
    Free Enterprise
    Drum Corps

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  1. One and the same... (Now everyone knows how old I must be. LOL) 😎
  2. "TennTux" (my DCP avatar) Because of the walk on write-up that was read as we (Sun) entered the field at the Dream. (3 years, 80, 81 & 82) Which ended with "Conducted on the field by Tennessee Tuxedo" "Moose" (this one was after the Bassline suggested we have a tough sounding nickname for the DM. I said so long as you don't call me Butch. (A competitor Corps's DM's nickname) "MacNamara" (As In the "leader of the band") "Tony Height" (several meanings. I called cadence "Heit, Heit, Heit" instead of hup & because I'm 5' 6" it usually was "Tony *&^* for height". Also it was a slurred reference to my last name.) In my 10 years with Sun there were others but I agree with Jeff... The mods would not accept my posting them... LOL 😉
  3. AMEN! I wish the 9/11 Memorial video, The one Fran, with Quest Graphics Design, put together, (with the Madison Scouts Drum & Bugle Corps) was still available.... Sadly the link is no longer working to the old location here on DCP... OLD URL: http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/911tribute/index.htm I was re-directed to this link (http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/2006/09/september-11-tribute/ ) but it's not there either... ☹️
  4. Yep.... L O T S of goosebumps (ours AND the audience's) when we played the full version too... Tony ;-) BAC, 69
  5. Donna and I will be seated next to you and Brenda...... In Abington, MD! LOL
  6. Dave,


    I have carefully read (twice) your post to JohnD. I agree with you and can not find what it was (is) that caused such an opinion that you were, in ANY way, attempting to be confrontational. Perhaps it's that I am also "Old School" Drum Corps and was brought up in a different time. (Actively competing from 1963-1985) I can relate to what, IMHO, you were attempting to say in your choice of words. I also came from a time when each Drum Corps lived their Corps' "Traditions".


    Yours in Corps,

    PS: Thank you for your mention of my al-mater... BAC, 1969

  7. How to post photos is not the difficult part (IMHO) but finding suitable photos is. (again JMHO) From MANY moons ago..... The question on HOW to post photos on DCP was asked. (even by me a long time ago.) Here are a few of the answers from BITD. Images/pictures in posts, How to put pictures in a post thread (on DCP) http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=104608 one answer http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=99685 another http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=97412 another http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=94194 another http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=91262 and even the one I asked...(all the way back on Dec 17 2005) http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=73399 Hope one or more of these are helpful if anyone has some photos...
  8. I don't think so...... Frank asked if Guido and or I would like to continue Nanci's efforts here.... I posted I would need to look for some pics. (We, Donna and I, lost a LOT of our DC "stuff" when we lived out on LI to a couple of hurricanes (no, not those guys and gals in Ct. but the ones that filled our house with water up to the second floor. ) I've been looking through what I have however most have already been posted. (I sent the ones I have over to Nanci many months ago) Most of the DC related photos I have now were given to us by family and friends. And those were something related to the Corps Donna and I marched with. It's not going to be very interesting is most of the photos are of Donna and moi... IMHO, We ALL can contribute to this thread. I would guess we all have some pics that would be of interest no?
  9. Wow.... No posts since Fran's back on July 12th 2016!
  10. Matt, We'll continue communicating through email, and or phone.... Thanks Mods! As I was telling you, I spoke with my friend last night. YES!
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