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DeKalb Day 2

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Got back not to long ago from DeKalb. I'm going to do Division 1 before bed since it's still fresh in my mind, I'll hit Division 3 and Senior tomorrow during the day.

So today I just spotaneously say I'm going to DeKalb. I was just sick of a show being close-by and me not being there. So I get there expect to get a decent seat. Well, low and behold, they had tickets avialable 3rd row from the top, 35 yrd. line. I jumped on them. $18 well spent.

I'll do these in reversed order of placement.

8th Place: Pioneer

This show from a design standpoint is leaps above last year's show. However, it was immensely dirty. Playing the same Holsinger pieces that everyone's heard a thousand times, they seemed to being to handle moving at that tempo, but the precision isn't quite there yet. The new hats look really bad. They're a small shako without a plume, which ultimately makes them look like sailors. Their guard's uniforms were ultimately distracting. The bright orange didn't help them at all. Drumline was pretty well together, but constantly outplayed the brass. Nice to see Pioneer trying something difficult, but it may be a rough season by the looks of it.

7th Place: Capitol Regiment

I enjoyed them from a musical standpoint. They're hornline has a very good sound. They seem to be suffering from some holes at this point, and if they can fill them, it will help the show significantly. Musically the show is great. Well placed impact points, builds and climaxes. Drums seemed to be doing alright, but then again, a lot of drum work sounds the same to me since I'm a brass player. Visually, the drill needs some work in a few places, mainly block slants and rotations. The guard caught my eye a couple times, and if they can do that, then they've impressed me plenty, since they've done a good job integrating the guard into the design. Ultimately, I don't see too much damage, however, the design might not be enough from them to be making any leaps in the rankings. They might pull ahead of Southwind, but I'm really not sure on that. I liked the show, though, and that's all that really matters.

6th Place: Southwind

Another dirty show. Of the lower half, they seemed to be marching the least holes. The music seemed to decently performed, but I honestly can't say it was memorable, but I seriously don't remember a thing about the music. Sorry. Didn't notice the guard either. Drill, I did notice it was dirty. Sorry I couldn't come up with much positive things to say, but this show was very forgetable, as I seem to have forgotten it, oh, I've got one. Their ending drill was decent. They'll be cleaning for the rest of the season, but probably won't going much of anywhere.

5th Place: Colts

Well, after seeing this show in Frankfort just over a week ago, I was saying that the show is very exposed and has a lot of issues, with plenty of mental demand but not as much physical demand. Well, now from this perspective, there are movements that are a bit more physically demanding on some of the corps which I couldn't have noticed at a high school venue, but a lot of the stuff I said still stands. The show is still very exposed and has some major design flaws. Musically they've improved quite a bit, as the articulations are starting to get more precise, but ultimately, the show moved me less this time than it did last time. Don't see them moving much either. Sorry to be so negative.

4th Place: Glassmen

Their opener grabbed my attention off the bat. Plenty of movement, a lot of impact and a lot of great stuff, but basically from there on out, the show fizzled. Having played the original concert band version of October, I highly dislike it as the voicing seems very odd and it has been chopped up. Now, I understand that October in it's entirety would make up 3/4 of a show length or so, but I think that the arrangement had much to be desired. The brass sounded nice, but ultimately the show doesn't grab you enough. It doesn't have enough impact, and the beauty factor simply isn't there.

Now, you could say I've been very negative on this subject, and I would probably agree with you. You'll probably mention that I rarely notice the guard, or the drumline, but to put it simply, unless they design the show to make them noticeable, I don't typically see them in a first sitting. However, I think I have plenty to say about the next 3 corps that will turn this around.

3rd Place: Madison Scouts

Other than a rocky start, this show was smokin'. They're sound is definately more controlled, than you'd expect from Madison, but that doesn't really affect the product as much, in fact I like the controlled sound. This show, although I've heard none of the music before, was very easy to get into. They're guard demanded notice at points in the show, as I watched them do a rifle toss and catch it between legs, and a couple other things. They managed to get us into a lot of their music, while still through in several visual moments that were very common, but still somewhat memorable. They kept the pace of interest going, and I commend them. Excellent design, should allow them to contest for 6th. I don't think they should have been that far away from Bluecoats, but I'm not going to sweat it at this point. I wish I could have seen it early and seen it often, but I'll have to settle for now and Indy. Will be great to check out on tape.

2nd Place: Bluecoats

This is an excellent product of thematic design. Their concept Capture & Escape is presented very well. This show has most everything you could want out of a show. Well placed impacts, plenty dynamic variation, and drill that is quite well designed and performed. Their body movement and dance portions are well performed and they are selling it very well at this point. The color guard was well placed in the drill, and a lot of their unique equipment. The show was well staged, and had a lot of neat moves. The performance was well sold, and very clean, however, it was extremely clean, which could lead to a potential early peak. There's plenty that can still be done, but I'm not sure if they're going to keep their momentum. I liked the show, it was well presented and sold well. Can't wait to see it at Indy.

1st Place: The Cavaliers

Well, they've done it. The show is nearing completion, and they have put in the much awaited REAL ending. The show spins as you would expect. Since I could see the show at an angle where I can actually read the drill this time, I was very nicely surprised, as they managed to put in several variations on what have become signature moves, without actually rehashing the actual moves. Most notable is the diamond cutter variations which can be found in their opener, third movement, and closer. Look for a blender variation in the third movement. I certainly missed it the first time out. My opinions have changed a bit now that I have seen this show from a higher angle. I still think their opener needs a more developed ending. Their ballad one of better original works they've done in a while. Their 3rd movement is not really any different from last time, but still great stuff. Definately the best sold moment in the show at this point. Now, the much awaited news on the closer. Now I could tell you guys just everything move for move, but I won't unless you request it. However, I will say this. The new ending will work, however, they didn't sell it very well tonight. I think it's probably because it's new at this point. Musically, it didn't have as much impact as the third movement, but I think that since it was a debut, they didn't play with the same confidence they would have had they a few shows under their belt with this alteration, which is to be expected. I expect they'll be selling it a bit better in San Antonio next week, and the volume will be there. I'm NOT going to say this show is unbeatable, as I think that some design flaws still stand and probably aren't going away, however, this show will definately be one of the shows to beat come championship week.

Now, I got a little annoyed tonight because of stuff going on around me, and I think I might have vented on the corps. This was still a very good show tonight, and all of the corps had their moments. Let's just say the crowd was not very receptive. At the show tonight I dealt with an elderly couple behind me making a bunch of jabs at corps in mid-show, and in front me was a woman who kept moving her head to make comments on a show to here daughter. I had to learn to coordinate my head with hers as the night progressed(and when I left to get drinks during the intermission, the same woman took my seat, which I didn't appreciate either.) Despite a lot of negative comments, it was still a great show.

I will get to the senior corps and the two division 3 corps (sorry, I left after Cavaliers to beat traffic since the place was packed) tomorrow in the afternoon, for now I'm calling it night. Enjoy!

EDIT - I just noticed that my Frankfort review was lost in all of that server mess. I might repost if you want it, since a couple of my comments were dependant on that review. Sorry about that.

EDIT 2 - The NOT in the Cavaliers portion has been added to their unbeatable statement. I blame that on early morning writing. Sorry folks.

Edited by Kamikazi101
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Because the top-tier corps have the options to have alternates so they can quickly replace injured members on the spot, and others have choice of which members they want based on their physical ability and health(including quality of their legs and knees). Other corps have fitness programs that designed to help the corps be in optimal performing condition. For example, the Cavaliers do pilates in the pre-season to both get them in shape and make them a lot more flexible. Sometimes it's the corps' maturity level and how seriously they take their daily stretches. All of these determine how well each corps stays in shape and avoids injury.

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Now, the much awaited news on the closer. Now I could tell you guys just everything move for move, but I won't unless you request it. However, I will say this. The new ending will work, however, they didn't sell it very well tonight. I think it's probably because it's new at this point.


I have a feeling the Cavies' closer in DeKalb is not the final product. I've seen the show numerous times this season, and each time they have added a little here and a little there. In past years they've polished off the show for DeKalb. But something was definitely missing there this year, and I don't think it's just that they didn't "sell" it. I'm hoping the "final" product will be unveiled at the Des Plaines show on the 27th. Could be wishful thinking, I know.

Nonetheless, it's an amazing show, and definitely the one to beat this year.

On a side note, I have to agree with you about annoying spectators (I won't call them fans; fans would be quiet and enjoy the show). At DeKalb it was a couple of elderly women pointing and discussing the shows loudly, as if they were at home watching it on TV. I try to keep reminding myself that some of these people could become new fans (a good thing), but I still have to suppress the urge to jump up in the stands and scream at them to put a sock in it (a bad thing, I'm thinking). :lol:

Edited by madcat
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I have a feeling the Cavies' closer in DeKalb is not the final product. I've seen the show numerous times this season, and each time they have added a little here and a little there. In past years they've polished off the show for DeKalb. But something was definitely missing there this year, and I don't think it's just that they didn't "sell" it. I'm hoping the "final" product will be unveiled at the Des Plaines show on the 27th. Could be wishful thinking, I know.

I'm think it was a selling standpoint. It was probably the first night that ending was in a performance situation, and honestly, I'd be nervous too. Changes can be nerve-wracking and with a change that big, the show seemed to end well on a design stand-point, but not necessarily performance. I think part of it was the volume. A lot of people have said that the show is very suppressed and contained, but even in the past week, this show has gotten a ton louder, particularly in Terminal Velocity, but when it came time to hit the new changes, it seemed timid. It was still cool, but volume wise, it wasn't a climax, but just listening to what was being played and compared to how it was being played, you can tell that it can be a climax if it's performed that way. I say give it a week, let them get used to it and fine-tune it, and it'll be something great. The show itself I feel is still ready for some more alterations(I'm thinking the first movement still needs a more conclusive ending), but the ending itself will do much better than the one they had up until that point.

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