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DCI, Please listen to this....

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I have to agree with everything the first poster said re: cell phones and conversations during shows, but especially people going to their seats during the shows. We were in the club level for quarter finals in seats 1 and 2 of a row, and had at least 4 groups of people "excuse" themselves as they crawled over us to get to their seats during a show. Couldn't believe it! On the other hand, during finals we were in the 300 level, and the stadium security staff did a great job of keeping people from entering during the shows.....but there was that #### alarm bell!

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Guest DrumCorpFan
This problem is general in nature and DCI will have very little success in making it better.  Behavior in public events is getting worse.  Yes the ushers should keep people from entering during performances, but the rest of behaviors have little to do with DCI.  I am seeing the same at football games (not the same behaviors, just rude behavior), at concerts, opera, theaters, etc.  DCI may make a marginal improvement, but this goes deeper than that.  At my age, I am just rude enough to get up and speak to the person - politely but forceably.  Most are so shocked that they stop.

I politely told one person on a cell phone that it upsets people and she hung up immediately. There was another lady taking pictures with a digital camera and it kept beeping (apparently she was out of memory and scrolling through pictures to decide what to delete and replace. Hundreds of beeps. I asked her if she could shut off the beep and she didn't know how. She said she wouldn't take anymore pictures. She did, but only one or two per corps.

In general, if you ask nicely and explain why, they will comply.

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Etiquette seems to be a thing of the past. I had to stop 3 people from entering the staff viewing area during one corps' performance alone during Finals! They were trying to return to their seats. I asked them to wait until the performance was over - which they did - then thanked them after that corps' show. They "had no idea" they were supposed to wait!! b**bs

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I just got back from Providence, we stayed longer to visit. Anyway, I wondered if everyone else heard the service elevator ringing. And for those who say DCI can't do anything about it..not true. How about doing a walk through before the shows and finding out about these things beforehand and asking if there is a way to take care of the problem.

Better yet, how about NOT EVER having a Drum corps event at that stadium again! It might be great for football, but it is NOT set up properly for a drum corps show...all the way around. The sound kept traveling up all night and bouncing back making it a bad experience. I still don't understand why they couldn't have had it Boston College. Not only was this the most over priced drum corps show I've ever attended, it just put the icing on the cake for me as far as where I'm going next year if to any shows. DCA is for me! :) :rolleyes:

I still don't understand why they didn't put up any directions on how to get to the DCA show on Sunday. I just don't understand the need for a drum corps show at a stadium this big. Not necessary. Oh and I had good seats cause I couldn't hear all the narration gaga b**bs That was wonderful it all sounded distorted to me....

Phantom should've won...at least the crowd sure supported them. :worthy:

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Just got back this afternoon from Providence and the DCI championships were very good! I would like to comment on the security/ volunteers during the three day event at Gillette stadium.

Here is the short and skinny

-folks walked in and out of the stadium during the corps performances.  This irked the HECK out of me!  <**>  <**>

-folks not turing their cell phones off (or even talking on them during the corps performances). <**>  <**>

-folks talking during the corps performances. I will not say anything else in fear that my blood pressure will go up. <**>  <**>

-folks bringing young children to an event of this nature (it is developmentally inappropriate to expect that young children will sit for over 4 plus hours without wanting to play and be KIDS). Parents should strongly consider this when anticipating bringing their young children with them.


DCI, PLEASE listen to this.

I totally agree with all of your comments above as they are problems at ALL the major DCI events (as well as tour event shows and home shows)..

HOWEVER.. except for that first comment -- which IMO is something they have and should exercise direct control over (hey, we were able to manage it at local shows, why can't they manage to tell tunnel ushers the rules to be enforced at the big shows?) -- what could DCI possibly do about the other ones?

Just curious what your thinking is about how they should address those issues..



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it just put the icing on the cake for me as far as where I'm going next year if to any shows. DCA is for me! :)  :rolleyes:


Once again - I'm happy for you that you've found a brand of drum corps that meets your ideas of what drum corps should be! ^OO^

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Boy am I tired.. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lancerlady
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Once again - I'm happy for you that you've found a brand of drum corps that meets your ideas of what drum corps should be!  ^OO^

:P Oh yeah and did I mention Division 2/3 still keeps the traditions alive as well and was very fulfilling for my drum corps needs! Very entertaining! :)

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I really do not appreciate people sitting in seats that they have NOT paid for to sit in. I know this isn’t the theater, but you did not police this at all! This happened in both semi-finals and finals. I was on the 50-yard line eighth row back and a few people showed up late and....(drumroll)....someone else was sitting in their seats. They did get up but then had the audacity that they would just move and sit next to me. I have to admit I was a little fired up and said with a very angered and loud tone "Did you pay for these seats? Well, then you don't belong sitting in them!" The woman just looked at me and mumbled that it was OK just because everyone else is just doing the same thing. Well she and her husband were not going to do it next to me... DCI this makes me angry!!! I was a little more lenient finals night when division II/III corps staff was sitting next to me, but not sure to myself how I felt about that either. I did not say anything to them. When I marched and was let into the show, I never sat in spectator seats. I usually watched the show from the concourse area.

Just my little rant…now I feel better.


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:P Oh yeah and did I mention Division 2/3 still keeps the traditions alive as well and was very fulfilling for my drum corps needs! Very entertaining! :)

Wonderful! I love Div II/III as well (spent many years there as a participant and later as a manager with Charioteers and Southwind!) ^OO^

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