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I get to see about 2 minutes worth of each corps with alot of ######## and propoganda in between. Glad we made the switch from PBS where you could actually just watch the shows. I don't care about the "behind the scenes" crap. Show me the mother-####### drum corps!

Oh, and for at least another year, I heard that girl (the one who used to be in Blue Devils guard and is now aparently DCI's poster wench) that drum corps is OVER when you turn 21. And that you can no longer participate in drum corps. When will you ever learn?! How hard is to say "you can no longer compete in DCI after you turn 21, but there is still a whole world of drum corps out there that you can still be a part of?" I'm almost 23 years old. I never marched a full season of junior corps in my life. Because of school and work committments, I've always found all-age corps alot more accessible. And that works for me. I started drum corps at age 7 (yes... in an all-age corps) and I have been on the field consistently for the past 15 years. I know DCI has already told alot of people like me that we're just old farts trying to re-live our youths, but wait... all-age corps was my youth.

Oh well...

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