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A longtime corps fan would like to hear from other fans

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I have also posted this in the Junior Corps Discussions forum.

Fern's Story

The above link is to a Fanfare column last Thanksgiving Day weekend. It was about the love of drum corps of Fern D. Downs, a resident of York, Pennsylvania. She began her lifelong love of drum corps in 1967 when her son was invited to a rehearsal of the York White Roses Drum and Bugle Corps. Later, all three of her daughters also joined the corps. Fern spent many years volunteering with the corps. If you read the article, you'll see that Fern has spent countless miles driving to junior and senior corps rehearsals and shows. (Her son later joined Reading Buccaneers.)

Fern is now dealing with some severe health problems and is unable to get out much. She has asked me to post this message mentioning her desire to hear from other drum corps fans. I don't think it would matter if you were involved with a corps she helped with, she would love to strike up a corrospondence with anyone to help pass the time and to help her deal with her health difficulties. I believe hearing from other fans would really help brighten up her day.

Fern has given permission to give out her e-mail address, as she really would like to hear from people. If interested, you can contact her at fddowns1@msn.com.

Thank you.

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This might be a good thing to post over on the Reading Buccaneers message board


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Email sent. This is another one of those chances for something really good and positive to come out of DCP in between all the endless amp-woodwind etc crab-fests. Thanks for posting, Michael.

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Wow. The first time I ever saw Drum Corps was back around 1960 or 61 at a Memorial Day show at a military base not to far from York, Pa. In fact we lived in Columbia, Pa at that time and later moved to Mount Joy. The corps we saw those years was Hawthorne!!! I think that experience was what got me involved in corps. My dad by the way was also part of the York Kiltie Pipe Band from the VFW at that time. This is a small world.


I have also posted this in the Junior Corps Discussions forum.

Fern's Story

The above link is to a Fanfare column last Thanksgiving Day weekend. It was about the love of drum corps of Fern D. Downs, a resident of York, Pennsylvania. She began her lifelong love of drum corps in 1967 when her son was invited to a rehearsal of the York White Roses Drum and Bugle Corps. Later, all three of her daughters also joined the corps. Fern spent many years volunteering with the corps. If you read the article, you'll see that Fern has spent countless miles driving to junior and senior corps rehearsals and shows. (Her son later joined Reading Buccaneers.)

Fern is now dealing with some severe health problems and is unable to get out much. She has asked me to post this message mentioning her desire to hear from other drum corps fans. I don't think it would matter if you were involved with a corps she helped with, she would love to strike up a corrospondence with anyone to help pass the time and to help her deal with her health difficulties. I believe hearing from other fans would really help brighten up her day.

Fern has given permission to give out her e-mail address, as she really would like to hear from people. If interested, you can contact her at fddowns1@msn.com.

Thank you.

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By the way, Fern doesn't care if you didn't march in the corps her kids were in or even know who there were. She would just love to hear and write back to ANYONE who loves drum corps. It would really, really help her pass the time and deal with some serious physical pain. And, you would feel really good about it when you hear back from her and realize how much it means to her. She can't travel anymore. She needs to live drum corps through the rest of us. Please drop her a line. God bless.

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What a touching memoir and an amazing recollection of details! I've sent Fern a greeting from the Buccaneers and hope others here will send their hellos to her as well.

Thanks for sharing this, Mike!

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What a touching memoir and an amazing recollection of details! I've sent Fern a greeting from the Buccaneers and hope others here will send their hellos to her as well.

Thanks for sharing this, Mike!

What Fern needs is a big bowl of 'nana puddin'. I do hope she does well. I've sent her a note. Here's hoping others will.

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I've exchanged a couple of emails with Fern now. She's a lovely, wonderful lady. Her health isn't so good, and I know she will appreciate the contact and the support from the greater drum corps family.

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Thank you all for writing Fern!

Someone who wrote Fern sent me the following from her this morning. I hope it inspires more people to write her at fddowns1@msn.com. I know you'd feel good about it, knowing what she went through, is going through now, and especially knowing that you would be brightening her day.

<<I feel so honored by the many emails I have been receiving from drum corps people. I am handicapped and unable to travel outdoors but have pleasant memories of those good old drum corps days. As you said, there are a lot of caring people that drum corps has gathered. It did my heart good to go to the shows, competitions and Championships. I got to see America and parts of Canada. You better belive I did see you march but didn't know you. My hat goes off to the many participants who make up the different corps. My family and I lived in the project homes and I tried to keep them in drum corps to stay away from trouble. The corps directors have to be strict so things do not get out of hand. Thank God for people like you. Have a good day. Until later, Fern>>

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