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Drill in Winter

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Correct me if I am wrong. Are there not rules, that state when a corps can start show drill? This was something that I was told by one of my former corps directors.

Did said corps director happen to be the drill writer? :P

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Yup! Colts did it! have a look see!

Look what they have in their hand!

what is this?

Colts will have a tarp on the field that is the demension and lay-out of a basketball court. This has enabled them to start learning drill as early as February camps, and they're probably done with their show. BRILLIANT idea, and a great way to get the drill learned/started to be cleaned before every-days begin, IMO!















OK; I just made that up. But it sounded good, right? :P

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Colts will have a tarp on the field that is the demension and lay-out of a basketball court. This has enabled them to start learning drill as early as February camps, and they're probably done with their show. BRILLIANT idea, and a great way to get the drill learned/started to be cleaned before every-days begin, IMO!

OK; I just made that up. But it sounded good, right? :P

Not the worst idea ever. Then, when its raining during tour, you just run visual stuff in the gym. Hmm.. couple that with a show similar to Avon's football show.. could be on to something. :P

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down in florida we started drill in febuary. but we also do figure 8 and other drill excersises. but i do see the problem with weather up north.

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Texas--home of 300 days a year of sunshine and winters with about 30 days of temps below 40.

Was it 2005 or 2006 when New Years was 90 degrees??? Over 6 great airports, cheap flights, lots of really great HS stadiums, and about 10,000 kids who want to march but can't travel 2,000 miles. Never have understood why we never attracted a corps with good management. Hopefully that has changed!

Sort of back on topic, I've always been of the opinion that winter is the time to put the first version on the field so June can be spent cleaning, working out problems, and re-writing. But I've never been on staff, so what do I know. I just hate the idea of wasting July doing the re-writing of major chunks of show.

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