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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    92 SkyRyders, 94 Phantom Regiment, 2010-2012 Forte
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Forte, Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    1991 Phantom Regiment
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
  • Gender
  • Location
    Dallas, TX
  • Interests
    Overture Youth Advocacy through the Arts (OYAA), Chairman/President, Forte D&BC, DCI, MBA Finance, real estate, entrepreneurial endeavors and all things political!

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  1. Umm...that's actually a tad bit disturbing, Mike! Please ease concerns that you scene had nothing to do with...two...pillows. Because I just had a "bathing in chocolate" flashback there!
  2. Hey...who are you?? I saw your signature: "Fan of the activity since August 12, 1991." Me, too!
  3. My God...P.T. Barnum? As in the circus folk? ####, that sounds almost like an early 20th Century version of Blue Man or Trans Siberian--I almost like the way they/you think! (forgive my snark, that was directed at others...not you!) As for MANY events affiliated with a drum corps show...there is an entirely separate set of people I hope read my commenting on THAT concept. ####, you'd think I've been "on" to something the last three years. How about that. (that wasn't a question...it was an observation both sets of people will completely miss) I replied on this thread and it grew by 5 more pages. Thought I'd try that again. Bump!
  4. Respectfully, I disagree, Sam. OP brings up some good issues, albeit with a little bit of a tart tone. But also offers some good (if simplistic) suggestions. I'd start with an overview of how the Blue Man and Trans-Siberian Orchestra groups--in a BAD economy, no less!--continue to draw enough of an audience to keep their doors open! Its not cheap renting out the American Airlines Center in Dallas...gotta draw a crowd! And those groups cost money...salary, hotels, per diem, etc. Granted, they also draw advertising. Fortune 500's, etc. See also Disney On Ice and anything that Ringling is doing. Those would be good models to glean some lessons from...they've only been drawing a crowd and keeping the doors open for, what, 100 years? Perhaps some good, old fashioned business case studies would be in order? Pay some DCI age-out who is majoring in business to study some of these groups? Pretty cheap. Would be good experience for some kid. And vastly beneficial for DCI.
  5. As for the rehash of "Phantom vs. Phantom" (so to speak), that was a kind of neat revelation for the evening! To see two corps once again be performing selections from 'New World' AND 'Phantom of the Opera' in the same year...in the SAME SHOW...was awesome! Thank you to Bluecoats and Blue Stars (who I didn't get to see!) for that little treat. I look forward to seeing these two shows in person. And Crown, the closing portion with the more recognizable portions of the Copland...juicey!! If it is possible to feature more of this, I'd say DO IT!! If the sheets are based on the recognizable stuff, load us up! Play it five times in a row. Do a 'theme and variations.' Do a 'Fugue on Fanfare for the Common Man.' There were long stretches of the show that were like, "huh?!?" Not what we've come to expect recently. Granted, its only mid-June. But the ending of the show was divine! Would love to see the rest of it in that category!
  6. Well, they shut down Northpark in Dallas as a DCI theater, so I trekked up to Plano to join a phellow phormer Phantom. I missed Blue Stars and Phantom, arriving as Phantom was leaving the field, so can't comment on the product. But given that the corps opened in 2nd place with BD not present, a more-or-less 3rd place opening finish is uncharacteristic for the corps--so a GREAT start! I was VERY impressed with Cadets' show being opening night. It will be great...really good use of familiar music. Anyone who thinks Christmas music won't work need only revisit 1991 Cavaliers. This could be even better due to the musical aspect. Look for Cadets to be right in the hunt. Bluecoats...mmmmm!! Looking forward to where this show goes in 6 weeks or so! Brass wasn't quite up to the level of the couple of corps that came before them, but its also early. They'll get there, courtesy 14-hour days...and that show will be FUN in August! Great tubas...does it have to be stated?!? Cavies show seemed like they were thumbing the judges' noses. "So you want MUSIC, eh?" Seemed like their typical offering only with music wrapped around the visual concept instead of notes. I marched Phantom, but I grew to respect Cavies in the last decade--they were just too good NOT to!! But this product is either too early to fully appreciate, needs a year for the creative staff to "get" the new sheets or just isn't very congealed yet. Maybe August will be another story, in which case I look forward to seeing what they do! Crown, like Cavies, just didn't resonate with me. Again, it seemed like the new sheets confounded this staff which seemed like a natural fit to dominate on the new sheets. The show seemed "off." Another case of too early? Maybe. Time will tell. As far as scores / placements were concerned, I thought the judges were pretty darned close, which was REALLY interesting! Cavies in 5th?!? Phantom in 2nd?!? BD not being there has to be taken into consideration obviously. I imagine they will be in their typical 72.0, 1st place out of the gate territory. They typically do that, but then again, they haven't exactly been playing "music" the last few years either...pardon my term. If they are having the same problems Cavies and Crown exhibited last night, that could really shake things up! In short, if Phantom was truly in 2nd place last night I'll call it right now having not even seen the show--that's your champion! Could be even if BD is in 72-range. Would be an interesting year seeing Phantom and Cadets go back and forth all year and duke it out in Indy. But Cadets, given some time to finish their product, is going to be right there all season, whether they are racing against Rockford or Concord. And wouldn't that make an interesting 3-legged race?!? Would sure love to see all three of those corps winning regionals this season, with a different leader each night in Indy! But with the new score sheets, all that is necessary is to see Crown and Blooo finish their products, do some cleaning and get a little rest and they'll be tight as well. Would be interesting to see--what was it, 2006? 2007?--all over again, when most of the Top 7 corps beat each other at some point or the other. And SCV with Fiedler, Rennick and JD Shaw cannot be too far out of the mix!! This is starting off well. Kudos to Michael Cesario and all of those who put work in on redeveloping the new sheets--well done! And I know that 2012 has only just begun, but this has GOT to make 2013 look amazing! Once creative-sorts get the idea behind the sheets, music next year is going to be SMOKIN'!!
  7. I am proud to announce that DCI Open Class Director Dave Eddleman informed me yesterday that the Open Class Advisory Committee unanimously approved Forte to participate in the 2012 DCI summer tour. The corps will be added to the schedule in coming days and the official announcement will be made by DCI as well. DCI Executive Director Dan Acheson visited Forte's rehearsal camp this past Saturday, meeting with members of the Board of Directors and Administrative Staff, viewing the evening ensemble rehearsal (in which members coordinated the forty-five drill sets learned earlier that day with music!) and mingling with staff, parents, volunteers, Board members, etc. He was particularly impressed with the calibre of staff, how they conducted rehearsal and the sheer output of our members. I would like to especially congratulate Program Coordinator Dallas Burgess, himself a "rookie" in that role, for assembling this staff, who was receiving praise from parents Saturday evening as well. I have asked staff for one thing and one thing only...push the members! I am not asking for score or placement. I simply want members to come back in 20 years saying, "Man, staff pushed us to beyond what we thought we could achieve...and we achieved it!" The numbers, at that point, will work themselves out. Congratulations to the entire Forte family! Now the hard work begins. But so does the "fun stuff," too! A couple of answers to questions that have come up recently as well... Forte Drum & Bugle Corps will, on Saturday, June 23, 2012, become the first drum and bugle corps to perform in "Jerry World"...aka Cowboys Stadium, in Arlington, TX. We are proud to be the "halftime" entertainment for the Guns & Hoses Foundation's football game between police and firefighters. G&H will also stage the "Diva Bowl," a "Powder Puff" game between female police and female firefighters. I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I would label any game between female police and female firefighters a "Powder Puff" game! More details as well as tickets will be announced shortly. Forte's DCI schedule has been slightly truncated as a part of our review process. DCI felt it would be more conducive to assist us reduce the total miles and length of our tour by condensing our performance schedule slightly. Our schedule will now begin with our performance in Denton, TX on Thursday, July 19th. The full schedule will be released by DCI shortly. I'll wait to discuss publicly until this occurs. Forte continues to forge new partnerships with schools in the D/FW region as we continue to develop our own programs and establish our brand as an elite performance ensemble in one of the greatest markets in the marching band and drum corps activities. Stay tuned for more announcements regarding partnerships with area schools, districts and other entities. In the meantime, congratulations again to the entire Forte family for successfully passing our DCI Review. Members...PAY YOUR DUES!!...come to camp at Memorial Day in better shape (last Saturday was tough, eh?) and better prepared to continue to raise the bar another notch. Drill Designer and Visual Caption Head Andy Brady said it best after March camp, "This is a different corps every month!" Meaning, you are improving noticeably each time we see you--keep it up! And beware challenging staff...you get what you ask for! ;-) Semper Porro
  8. Perform background checks on all senior leadership including candidates for Board of Directors. Go in-depth. Do NOT affiliate with people who don't pass this phase. Period. Secondly, pass a list of names and brief bio on each by the good folks at DCI, DCA, WGI--pretty much anywhere they might have developed a..."reputation." Do NOT affiliate with anyone who does a face plant on this item either. Within that group of folks who actually pass muster on these two items, gather as many people who don't have degrees in theater or music as you can find. Artistic sorts are a dime a gross. Go heavy on people who know how to run a business. I hope that all helps. Learned some rough lessons in our first three years at OYAA / Forte. ;-)
  9. So I'm hearing of a pretty interesting situation developing here at Forte central. Yeah, yeah...who let the OC Director out of the OC threads, right? Well, my question is somewhat activity-wide, so allow me a little bit of room on this one, k? What is the BIGGEST horn line in drum corps history that had a majority FEMALES in the TUBA or CONTRA section??? I'll grant you the all-girl corps. Obviously, I'm curious what the largest mixed corps tuba section with more GIRLS than GUYS is/was. Because if its never been documented, we're about to make it NECESSARY to do so. Hint-hint. TUBA CHICKS are taking over at Forte...and it sounded #### good in March. Way to go, girls! Semper Porro.
  10. Oops. Try this link. My earlier one apparently didn't work. http://fuelinggood.com/rewardinggood?id=803534
  11. That would be my Vice Chairman, Gordon Martinez. He took the time to look up every single NPO participating in the voting and has been tracking the leaders for 2 weeks. We rose to 7th place by Friday night, 5th on Saturday and then leap-frogged to 2nd on Sunday where we have been since, about 1,200 votes (now) out of 1st. Sure would be a shame to see that much effort go to waste! Please vote for Forte every day between now and February 9th. Thank you!
  12. http://fuelinggood.c...ggood?id=803534 Attention ALL fans of drum corps...Forte Drum & Bugle Corps is currently sitting in SECOND place NATIONALLY in Citgo's Fueling Good $5,000 gas card give away! This is largely due to the support of the drum corps activity and we are asking you to help with one BIG, final push. Help us leap frog into FIRST PLACE this week. We are not far behind and you can help us achieve this notable accomplishment quickly. http://fuelinggood.c...ggood?id=803534 You are able to vote ONE time EVERY DAY through February 9th. Please vote for Forte D&BC "Chicago-style"...vote early, and vote often!! Thank you, drum corps fans--we appreciate your support and assistance!! ;-) http://fuelinggood.c...ggood?id=803534
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