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Everything posted by theonlyfizzle

  1. Oh yes, i thought it was a statue, but now upon taking a closer look i'm seeing what you're seeing.
  2. Scott Chandler Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C6jvaTCvsOE/?hl=en
  3. Madison Scouts --- Show Tilted, ''Mosaic" https://www.instagram.com/p/C6UBG3Js4KO/?hl=en
  4. Mandarins and Bloo for sure, not certain yet if BD using it, or maybe they were showing love to Mandarins on their Instagram.
  5. Got you. Grandsons ?! I like that.. You mean business with the boys.
  6. I'm excited for this! Crown is uniquely and popularly with high expectation every season, i was one of the many who was happy with last year. They are so resilient and bold, i love it.
  7. Congrats to your son! What a large BD family here, So happy for him. This year somehow starting to feel very special. Looking forward for all the shows' reveal too. @Chief Guns son second year with Mandarins, how filling is this for both ya'll. @DWW11 Is your daughter marching with BD this season ?
  8. Tell your daughter we said thanks for the intel too Lol.. She's just like us LMAO. Give her my well wishes for her performance. Ooh i am looking forward to reading whatever you gather.
  9. You better do Lol.. ha ha... Well do whatever you please, even if you chose not to go lol.. But if you come across anything from BD camp, you can share thoughts without spoilers right ?
  10. Blue Devils Instagram stories playing this beautiful piece over their promo camp video for the weekend starting tomorrow. INTERESTING! šŸ‘€
  11. šŸ¤£ Not really saying i want it in a dark theme, i want the dark theme differently, but I'd love to experience Channel One Suite in a modern show. I Want to experience what you beautiful people experienced in 76.
  12. Hope i am not violating any rules here..... 76 Wrong video, oh well still a favorite piece (Legend of the one eyed sailor) ELECTRIFYING! 86
  13. LISTEN! This masterpiece was my introduction to Blue Devils via audio cassette of their 76 show, it was in the 90s though, specifically their 1992 season. I was watching their 1992 finals show, while listening their 76th on cassette. 76 got stuck in my head ever since. This piece (Channel One Suite) I am dying for them to revisit, so badly. I am praying for this. Here's A Buddy Rich version.
  14. That's right! That's the spirit brother. We should celebrate success of any group whose rising to achieve the highest. We win in every ways, great shows, great corps, equals the best entertainment. We do this in pure enjoyment of the activity and pure happiness of the all the kids journeys'
  15. Yeah.. With understanding though, it's a coping mechanism of the realization that cadets is no more. It's tough for a lot of folks including myself, but we all deal with trauma and loss differently, so people will still dream up scenarios to cope, just hoping. But it's probable more armful than helpful, that when the truth is The Cadets history have come to an all time stop. That's very tough for many.
  16. Yes.. lol. I feel ya. who knows The Romantics might just be so dark it throws itself into horror territory Lmao.. wishful thinking lol.
  17. Yes i feel the same, once i see that show and it's undeniable, i will definitely cheer for Boston, doesn't i am not cheering for BD because that's untill the day i stop breathing, but i will cheer on BAC real Louder for that season.
  18. Yes we don't want to jinx it at all.. But i am truly looking forward for that season of pure brawl battle between BD and BAC with Boston coming out on top.
  19. Yeah.. I am quietly cheering for BAC to beat my fave and take that trophy Lol... I meant that. If i see that they have the show to win it all, i will be cheering loudly, but until then GO BD!
  20. Lol i had to look up 'Buddy Rich' ............ it could still work with an out of the box theme show
  21. I want dark BD too so badly. Ghostlight could have lean towards the dark side, but we only get a smidge of dark in the opening with a little mythological voiceover. Method of Madness is one of the all time.... The way they glide across the field in your face, with that sound.
  22. Yeah.. A few shows comes to mind. Which were your favorite out of the box BD shows that had you scratching your head and applauding at the same time ?
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