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  1. Unfortunate the announcement wasn’t timed to the opening hit tonight. First I’ve seen that this season.
  2. That you won’t expend even an ounce of positivity to the corps for their best result in almost a decade tells me everything I need to know about your willingness to engage fairly. It’s safe to say we ALL want a Madison Scouts that strong and has that special swagger again. But should the Scouts end the season in 12th place, I hope you’ll find it within yourself to at least recognize the moment.
  3. So the decline for you happened before when they were still competing in the 8-12 range, under Sal Salas’ leadership or even back to when Scott Stewart was still around? Got it, and I’m sorry you’ve felt slighted by your corps for so long.
  4. To be 1.2 above BD at any point of the season is a feat. Here’s to hoping they keep the lead, words alone can’t express how special this show and this corps are.
  5. This ballad is...*monumental*...in the atmosphere it creates. It engages every atom in the arena. Sheer gravity.
  6. I love the intentional placement when not in use - great staging and framing device like Cavies' often did with their guard equipment in their reign, and what Crown '22 should've done with their fabric and streamers. #RHRN
  7. That 1960s crazy sci-fi sound effect after the triple tonguing feature makes me giggle every time. 😄
  8. I feel like Atlanta will see the bulk with Allentown receiving the finishing touch. Definitely demanding patience this season.
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