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Everything posted by Rawtv_JohnChristensen

  1. Let us know if you have problems watching the video. We ramped up the bit rate to get a cleaner image but it shouldn't cause any hickups. -John
  2. Enjoy... http://www.bluedevils.org/blueview Send us your comments and questions.
  3. The Brightcove player is now back up. You can download the complete documentary at the following link: http://www.bknights.org/media/VideoPreview.asp We're getting a lot of hits on this video and for those of you who tried to access it yesterday can do it now... Enjoy!
  4. Thanks! We had fun doing this one. More fun than making commecials.
  5. Thank you. There are plans for more media products to be available soon!
  6. The press releases just went out so now I can share this... You can now download the Blue Knights' 2006 tour video that includes the complete Championship performance (yes, there is a rental fee, but the preview is free!). http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid353537973 Enjoy! Let me know what you think... Note: all net profits go to the Blue Knights.
  7. Just one word... "yea!" & "whew" ...Ok that was two. I hope all you DCPers enjoy th DVD. B)
  8. It looks like it was their 1989 show that had Ricky Odello playing Batman. I hope someone has a photo or a group shot. Thanks for searching DCPers! John Christensen
  9. Yeah, That sounds right. The Batman character is suposed to be Ricky Odello when he first started the C corps. He was only three years old. I think it was actually 1990. Thanks for the help! John
  10. I need a photo of one of the C corps member dressed as Batman. Running around or or standing in a pose. I know that the 1997 or 98 shows had a member doing that. I thought there were other years as well.
  11. I need a pic of one of Blue Devil C corps Batman character for use in the next Inside Blue Devils 2006 DVD. It is almost done and I need the image to include it in one of the funny interviews in the program. Please only send a photo that you have permission to use. I will be happy to send you a free DVD when it comes out. Thanks Much! Send to Studio@rawtv.com John Christensen
  12. We are working on the tour DVD as I type this. There will be a lot of great music features on the video. The encore music will be from the Rockford Home show. The DVD is going to be great this year.... Like all the Phantom DVDs we produce. :) Soon!
  13. I can say this... Fans who paid good money to watch the championship live will hate it. The camera swooping over the field would be a bit distracting.
  14. Sure, but he has to wait in line. We have a main host and that is Melissa. She represents the corps and does a great job. Don't get me wrong. Ollie is a cool dude but he has a season to march and that comes first. John Christensen BlueView There is more to come...Just wait.
  15. BlueView 9 is up on the Blue Devils' web site http://bluedevils.org/blueview Enjoy!
  16. There will be a small change for the rest of the season's BlueView. We hope to have Ollie do more (if he has the time). It's not easy to produce these on the road, but we are planning some fun and creative stuff that is sure to please.
  17. Ollie was a natural. We'll try to do more with him. Melissa will still be the main host for the BlueView program. So don't worry! :)
  18. Here ya go... http://www.bluedevils.org/blueview ...Enjoy!
  19. Give me your thoughts on this pre-season web video. We had a lot of fun producing this one. http://www.scvanguard.org/about/news/news....c5-287da3ca552c :)
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