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DCP Rookie

DCP Rookie (1/3)



  1. Have the show times been posted for tonight?
  2. Guard bus broke down today, but my first report from a member said they had a great show. Waiting for scores...
  3. Just received a call that some Corps performed but the show was delayed or cancelled due to weather. Can anyone confirm?
  4. I have to wait until I am alone in the car to listen because my son marched another top 12 Corps this year. Crown's talent and show are so addictive. I need a recovery program before I am caught!
  5. This started out during G-West rehersals as a member yelling "OAK SHADE!", the name of the village that G-West is located in. At the Toledo show some family members yelled "OAK SHADE" and others "GLASSMEN!". It will be interesting to see how this evolves through the season.
  6. I ended up with 50 yard line, row 20 in upper section. I was torn about where to put my money as well, but to late to worry now! Just hoping the Corps I'm going to see makes it to Saturday night!
  7. Thanks Boris! Here is the link to the show announcement. What I have heard of the arrangement is beautiful!
  8. Glassmen spent a long Saturday in the Pontiac Silverdome Setting drill and teaching the new members how to march straight leg! I have not heard the corps since the January camp that appeared to be lightly attended. What I did hear was absolutely beautiful! The have a concert with the Toledo Symphony Orchestra next month, so time will be spent learning other music.
  9. You can find it here... DCI apd's San Antonio
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