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Status Updates posted by rayfallon

  1. Hey Mike -

    Wish I could have seen you guys this weekend. I was sick as a dog and saw no one. 1400 miles and no drum corps. Stay well and hope to catch up in the near future. In town to judge Marching Band shows here and there during the Fall.

  2. Hi Chuck - how you been? I'm all but out of the activity - all I do is watch my kids now - Ray Jr is teaching 7th Regiment from CT; Tammy is working with Boston after teaching BDB's guard for the past few years, and my youngest is playing synth in Crossmen this year. I'm just a dad/spectator.

    How's Florida?

  3. I've never thrown a flag, red, white, green ever on DCP :)

    I run hot and cold on here - after a while I can't read any of the forums as they all seem to be from people who never marched or marched in a Boy Scout band... I'll try to figure out how to make a green flag happen! Hoping to see the new LI Sunrisers later this year. Right now following my son and daughters (Boston...

  4. why browsing here at this time of day?

    My reason - that Pats are down...

    Nah - just feeling a bit nostalgic.

  5. #### son - you seem a tad worked up! How you been anyway? I haven't been to anything in a while but think age could be catching up to any of you codgers? Or maybe that freak Star United is just pushing so hard on 100 that everyone else's scores are pushing down? No clue. Hope all is well by you and the family. Say hi to the boys for me from sunny Texas... (yee haw)

  6. Great summary of DCI 2011. You should be judging if you're not.

  7. How have you been - long time and just wondered how you've been hanging. And of course the idiot brothers as well.

  8. I find this new humility very disturbing. What have you done with the real Moran you pod creature? Bring him back, after you've finished with those cold metal probes of course... If Coulsen gets humble I'm buidling a bomb shelter in my back yard.

  9. I must be getting old - how did I not remember you're from Norwalk?

  10. OK, maybe I didn't know this would be as public as that... I'm out of practice.

  11. ps I'm really out of the loop out here on the prairie - what member of MB passed away from Cancer?

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