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Everything posted by KiltieBD3

  1. Last I checked you had nothing to do with the Bowling beat down me and my commrades recieved. That was all Fazzari and friends...so stop taking credit for it. You're just upset that you were on the recieving end of the payback beatdown of equal value (seeing I only saw 3 on your card I will compare our top 3 of our card...which would equal out to no less then a 30 stroke leveling provided by SOY 1-3) BD's 1 - Guapo & Amigo's 0
  2. Great camp! Weather could have been alittle better, but what can you expect out of the great state of Wisconsin? And we found out that Guapo needs to work on his short game. Either that or recruit better. BD's 1 - Guapo and Friends 0. Better luck next time :P
  3. What a great camp! Norwegian Wood is smokin and bowling couldn't have been more entertaining. Guapo, I think the Sop Line is on the docket for gettin the pain brought on them coutesy of the BD's. We are a little bitter after the hornline assembled an all-star cast of ringers (like 9 300 games between them ) We all will be adopting Sweet Haircut's new method of bowling as well. Which is not only effective but entertaining as well. Next camp April 22nd/23rd at Gilmore Middle School Guard and Front Ensemble spots are still available. Come check it out.
  4. John Sssssh!! Dude, you're gonna ruin the surprise ps...what's your e-mail? I have a file I want to send you.
  5. What?! No pictures of Wilt?! Ooooh I am mad. This is just unexceptable! :D Great camp. See everyone in a week. PS sell raffle tickets. PSS. If you spin a flag/sabre/ raffle and like to dance come to the next camp and check out the guard. Spots are still available w/ some top notch instruction. Front Enesemble spots are open as well.
  6. We are going to change the locks while you are out! B) Have fun
  7. I'll echo that. I believe it was UNCLE Butler's Fun House. So does that make Pete our Aunt?
  8. Kilts saddle up on average, two weekends a month. Saturdays start at 1 and go to 9 (10) and Sundays 10 - 3ish to give people time to make their journeys home. The guard has been starting rehearsals at 10am on saturday from day 1. Some sections and individuals have adopted this philosphy and are showing up around 10 to get some sectional time or at least some individual rehearsal time. These last few camps have been outstanding. Next camp is Apr 8th (Gilmore Middle School) and Apr 9th (Park HS) both schools in Racine. If you're in the neighborhood stop on in. Full schedule and music samples can be found here: Unoffical Kiltie Website
  9. That is what I was told by my Doc. The Kevlar heads don't have as much give as the mylar heads hence more resistance on your wrist. That coupled with the repetitive motion in a "un-natural" position which, of course, doesn't allow for a more natural movement of your wrists and other joints. That is what I have been told at least. Good side topic...now i need to go pop some advil. I had to play a little bit this weekend B)
  10. Its not limited to the vets unfortunatly. Most if not all drummers (at least the ones I know) that are very active with the drum corps activity, have some sort of wrist/hand/arm infliction. I myself am dealing with the carpal tunnel issue (very minor at this point however) and I am only 24. I have friends in the activity that sadly are far more severe and may have to halt their playing due to it.
  11. Awww thanks Guapo. I must say that the Tenors were throwing it down last weekend. Sounded really good guys. Mad props to Dallas and Brent (Brent needs a Nickname BTW) WWBD DBABD SOY 3
  12. I can dig it. Looks good. However it through me off a bit now that the nav menu is gone w/ the DCI, DCA, International, band menu bar at the top. I'll get used to it though.
  13. I like having the same cadence. With a few adjustments every year to make it a little different. I like to think ours grooves a little bit but a horn player might be able to answer that one a little bit better.
  14. I'm telling you guys... They were made by Chuck Norris when he roundhouse kicked a forest. Just to put Paul Bunyan in his place.
  15. Anything that is strapped to my shoulders b**bs
  16. The poll (at least how I'm reading it) wants to know what Corps show (program) you are most interested in seeing. What I am saying is maybe they should 1. Rephrase the initial question or 2. add ALL DCA Corps. Some people in Drum Corps may be more interested in seeing a corps show that isn't on the list. just pointing it out
  17. Come see the mighty Kilties on March 11th at 2 thats 2 locations in the Milwaukee Area. - Downtown Milwaukee -Wauwaotosa, WI - following the Downtown Parade. March 12th we are in the South Side Irish Parade in Chicago, IL! I hope its warm.
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