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Everything posted by spiniki

  1. That is so awesome! I hope I'm blessed enough to continue marching well into MY 70's!
  2. I don't have a pic of it but on the city limit signs for Nashville/Hermitage/Donelson/Old Hickory in Tennessee Welcome you to the home of the Championship McGavock High School Marching Band. I've always thought that was cool! The signs were donated buy an alumni (I think they ran him around $10,000. I think he gave the band a check and had us word the signs how we wanted).
  3. Heeeerrreeee contracontracontracontraaaah....Just keep rainin' like cats and dogs. ~but let it be BRASS!!!!
  4. Get a hold of JJ and get some pics up! A lady can't vote if she can't see.
  5. Not percussion by any means but I know a thing or two about abraisions. If your wanting to avoid the ugly calus that may be approaching your future, you can get some "mole-skin" to protect it. It's kind of like a tubular ace bandage for your fingers/toes that you can pull on your finger and cut to size (please take it off your finger before you cut it though). I think you can find it in the foot care section of most stores (like where you'd get Dr. Scholls products or odoreaters). I don't know if that will affect your grip at all, but it will protect your finger. Hope that helps!
  6. I think it looks like your having fun and that you enjoy the music so much you can't help but shimmy a bit. b**bs
  7. WOW!! You are all a bunch of hotties! That was really hard! I was between Rich Kleinman and Mike Braga. Sorry Rich, Tansea got me.
  8. I wish I could've seen this live. It has to be one of the best video clips I've seen so far b**bs -but that doesn't say much, this being my first year to have ever known anything about drum corps I've really not seen much. :(
  9. We have a lady at church who went through chemo and some of us prayed that she wouldn't lose her hair. When she came in on a Sunday with it shaved we were all like, "ooh, we've been praying it wouldn't fall out" and her response was, "well, I still have my eye brows and eye lashes, so it's doin' somethin'!" She's doing well now and her hair is already about an inch long b**bs
  10. is this televised or "on air" over the internet?
  11. I just figured out where I got it from. They were talking about Legend Brass playing Bb to accomodate more people... not Music City Legend. Sorry 'bout that. Must've had my headphones on
  12. dragging neighbors out of bed for practice sounds like a good idea... too bad none of my neighbors play brass :(
  13. That's a great idea, most of our members are spread out though. We do have a "brass ensemble" working on some things for events.
  14. They sound just as huge this year! I can't wait until they have the 70 they're hoping for.
  15. This thread is just to chew the fat on what has/does work and what is a waste of time. I'm not sure how this would work for DC, but as a recruiting effort my high school got together with the junior high and middle schools and played a huge concert together for friends and families. I think it was also a bit of a fundraising idea in that they charged for the tickets and split the monies. Has this ever been done with a DC and a highschool for a field show/football game or anything? I think it sounds like fun!
  16. I wish I had been exposed to dc years before I was and I hope I can be part of it until at least 113! b**bs But I might even be the one to challenge that limit.
  17. Good, 'cause that's what I've been tellin everyone!
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